Enjoy “Colonies” Jeopardy! Ligers vs. Mean Machine Buzzers ready (a.k.a. clap your hands) A player from Ligers chooses a category and question dollar amount first. Ms. Case reads the “answer” completely, then contestants can respond. Once students answer, we will record the contestant’s score – You gain the dollar amount if correct; lose the dollar amount if incorrect. We will continue the game until all categories are finished.
Name the Year Important Terms Spanish Colonies French and Dutch Colonies Misc. Information Game Board $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
The Virginia Company establishes Jamestown in this year. $100
When was 1607? $100 To Game Board
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés establishes St. Augustine in this year. $200
When was 1565? $200 To Game Board
The Dutch establish New Amsterdam in this year. $300
When was 1626? $300 To Game Board
Samuel de Champlain establishes Quebec in this year. $400
When was 1608? $400 To Game Board
William Bradford and the Pilgrims establish Plymouth in this year. $500
When was 1620? $500 To Game Board
A religious settlement. $100
What is a mission? $100 To Game Board
A land ruled by another country. $200
What is a colony? $200 To Game Board
A law making branch of government. $300
What is a legislature? $300 To Game Board
A person who agreed to work for another person without pay for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to North America. $400
What was an indentured servant? $400 To Game Board
The records and artifacts made by people who saw or took part in an event. $500
What are primary sources? $500 To Game Board
Spanish leaders governed most of the colonies in New Spain from this city. $100
What was Mexico City? $100 To Game Board
Spain built these on the borderlands of New Spain to convert the American Indians to Christianity. $200
What were missions? $200 To Game Board
After the arrival of the Spanish, this changed the lives of many American Indians. $300
What are horses? $300 To Game Board
They taught the Native Americans Christianity and introduced them to horses, sheep, cattle, and new crops in New Spain. $400
Who were missionaries? $400 To Game Board
He raised concerns about how the Indians were being treated in New Spain and later freed his slaves. $500
Who was Bartolomé de Las Casas? $500 To Game Board
He taught the first colonists in New England how to farm and fish. $100
Who was Tisquantum (Squanto)? $100 To Game Board
This colony was established by the Dutch in what is currently New York and New Jersey. $200
What is the New Netherland colony? $200 To Game Board
Jamestown was founded on a river near this body of water. $300
What is the Chesapeake Bay? $300 To Game Board
The people of this region had a small population because the region covered so much land (area). $400
What was the colony of New France? $400 To Game Board
One advantage is the location provided a harbor near the Atlantic Ocean. $500
What was one advantage of the Pilgrims building their settlement on a bay? $500 To Game Board
The people who signed this compact agreed to make and follow their own laws for the common good (self-government). $100
What was the Mayflower Compact? $100 To Game Board
Some of the economic activities of these colonies were farming, ranching, fishing, mining, and fur trading. $200
What were the North American Colonies? $200 To Game Board
LaSalle claimed this North American land for France in $300
What was the Mississippi River Valley? $300 To Game Board
The Virginia colonies pushed these native Americans off their land causing them to fight back. $400
Who were the Powhatan Indians? $400 To Game Board
It was this group’s job to make laws for the Virginia Colony. $500
What was the House of Burgesses? $500 To Game Board
Final Jeopardy Category: Click for “Answer”
This land was located on low swampy land, which had disease-carrying mosquitoes and unhealthy drinking water. Click to see the correct response!
What was Jamestown Colony’s location? Exit Game
Thank You for Playing Acknowledgements: Graphics: Microsoft Office Clip Art and Media Jeopardy Template: B. Burkett October 2003
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