Hindu Rituals and Customs
Puja Puja ritual or worship of idols or images of God has become in recent times a great and potent tenet of faith and belief in Hindu Religion Puja is not only performed in temples but also in most homes. Start days with Puja and study of scriptures. The object of the puja ritual is to create and setup thoughts of spiritual forces in and around us. This is best achieved by singing or chanting of some mantra, performing certain actions and making offerings in three defined stages. Each mantra is a magazine of vast spiritual forces.
Nomenclature Naming of the Child On the 10 th or 11 th day after the child’s birth, the priest performs the nomenclature ceremony, invoking the blessings of gods and goddesses. Some Hindus defer the ritual to a later date.
Naming Ceremony
Mundan First hair cut The traditional custom is to shave the child’s head on this occasion.
Initiation Boys of priestly families are initiated by age 15, entitling them to perform their priestly duties. A second initiation may be performed according to their spiritual capabilities and mental constitution. The second initiation is open to every Hindu at some point of life.
Marriage Marriage is a step toward spiritual perfection Frequently, with the consent of the bride and groom, marriage is arranged by parents Parents duty to see children are well established for the second stage of regular family life (householders), that follows the restraint and celibacy of student days.
Marriage Cont. Consulting horoscopes for match- making is common. The day and time of marriage is based on the almanac. Tolerance and adjustment are emphasized in marriage Divorce is rare.
Marriage cont… Marriage is between families just as much as between individuals. Performed by a male Brahmin in accordance with the holy verses of the Vedas
Steps of A Hindu Wedding
1. Hasta Melaap The bride’s right hand is placed in the groom’s right hand and the priest chants holy verses. The bride and groom are joined together by a piece of white cloth—one end tied to the corner of the bride’s sari and the other to the groom’s scarf A fire is lit to invite the fire god to witness the union and the right hands of the couple are tied together with blessed thread, their palms filled with rice and leaves to signify wealth, health, happiness and prosperity. These are then offered to the fire.
2. Lawan Phere A ritual in which the bride and groom walk around the fire four times. Each time round, they stop to touch a stone in their path that symbolizes obstacles in life they will overcome together. –Four Human Goals of Hinduism: Faith, financial stability, procreation and the liberation of the soul.
3. Saptapadi Most important part of the ceremony. Facing north, the bride and groom take seven steps together. Each step calls upon the gods to bless the couple for strength, food, progeny, family, prosperity, happiness and life-long friendship. The bride comes to the groom’s left, which symbolically leaves his right side free to take on the world
4. Saubhagya Chinya The groom places sindoor (holy red powder) on the bride’s forehead.
5. Mangalsutra The groom gives the bride a necklace of black beads to symbolize his love, integrity and devotion toward her.
6. Anna-Prashana The bride and groom feed each other sweet foods as a promise of fidelity.
7. Ashirwaad The ceremony ends with blessings from the priest, parents and close relatives
Misc. Wedding Traditions Tying a knot of the couple’s upper garments is an important part of the ceremony. Kissing does not occur anywhere in the ceremony. Kissing takes place in privacy, for a personal relationship.
Wedding Traditions Bride and groom play games Attempt to untie knots (patience) Large bowl of red milk with items, including a coin. Whoever finds the coin will be the dominant person in the marriage Couple stop off at a temple on their way to the groom’s house to offer prayers and seek blessings Bride wears a white sari with red and gold embroidery, traditionally given by maternal uncles Gold bracelets, gold band around her waist, and gold anklets Day before the wedding, the bride has the palms of her hands and feet painted with henna (so do friends and family at a party)
Day of the Wedding Ghari Puja: priest conducts the eve of the wedding in both bride and groom’s homes to get rid of evil and to give prosperity to the couple. When the groom arrives at the wedding, the bride’s mother and family welcome him and the bride’s mother places a red dot on his forehead and gives him a garland of flowers to signify her approval Bride’s mother accompanies the groom down the aisle His sisters follow behind him shaking a metal pot, containing rice and coins to ward off evil spirits, covered by a white handkerchief. Before entering the venue, the groom steps on a terracotta bowl to signify his virility and strength. While he waits for the bride to arrive, his feet are washed by her mother and father. The bride is accompanied to the wedding by her maternal uncles. She is either carried by them or walks between them.
Ceremony Highlights
Death Rituals The atmosphere surrounding the dying person must be peaceful. The last thoughts or words are of God, ensuring rebirth to a higher form. Hindus prefer to die at home, as close to mother earth as possible ( usually on the floor or ground)
Death cont… The gita is recited to strengthen the dying person’s mind. Married women’s nuptial thread or amulets are removed. (permitting the soul to travel freely) No one should have attachment to the dead body.
Death cont… The family washes the body. Embalming is forbidden White flowers and clothing ( for men only) is appropriate. The body must be attended until cremation. Cremation takes place the same day as death.
Death cont… The close relatives should not eat until cremation takes place. Ashes are usually scattered in water. Children under 2 are not cremated.
Bereavement After the funeral, taking a bath is appropriate. For 2 weeks men grow hair and beards.
Balinese Hindu Death Ceremony