Nancy Fallgren Metadata Librarian Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, TSD National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health U.S. Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Nancy Fallgren Metadata Librarian Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, TSD National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Presentation to Cataloging Norms Interest Group ALA Annual Conference June 27, 2015

A core set of Classes and properties Extend the core with properties from other vocabularies for specificity and richness 2


BF Lite 4

BF Lite Spreadsheet Print monograph mock ups The myth of the addicted army The contributions of Rudolph Virchow 5

PCC BSR Core mapped to BF Lite PCCBSR2BFLite Spreadsheet Mockups Fifteen Minute Hour Workshop on Artificial Ecological Systems 6

Print Monographs BIBFLOW Cataloging Module BF Lite 7 NLM Pilot Testing

Marshall Nirenberg at NLM What we have MARC records Medline Citation XML (article description) Profiles in Science: 2 descriptive schema Profiles in Science XML DC DC/RDF XML (experimental) Nirenberg Collection finding aid EAD 8

Choosing authoritative sources People, ISNI, ORCID, et al. VIAF Places Getty,, MeSH, et al. Subjects LCSH, MeSH, et al. Works? Instances? 9

Finding or choosing extension schema Redundant description Profiles in Science XML and DC Finding Aid and MARC 10

BIBFRAME-NLM GitHub Repository BF Lite BF Lite core spreadsheet Mockup: The contributions of Rudolph Virchow Mockup: The myth of the addicted army Spreadsheet: Comparison Chart of BSR Core to BF Lite Mockup: Fifteen Minute Hour Mockup: Workshop on Artificial Ecological Systems 11