Managing Time Barrie Humphreys Better Human Resource Management Ltd.
STEP ONE - LIST ALL TASKS AND ACTIVITIES The tasks or activities will vary enormously, depending on the job. Some will be quite major and may require a fair amount of time. Others will be small and will not take long to do.
STEP TWO - DECIDE PRIORITIES There will be pro-active tasks which contribute towards the achievement of the job purpose. These may not be urgent, but they are important. There will be urgent tasks, when you have to react to situations. Some of these will also be important, because they contribute towards your longer term goals. However, many of these reactive tasks, whilst being urgent, may also be relatively unimportant. They must be done, but not at the expense of the important tasks. There will also be other tasks which are both relatively unimportant and of lower urgency. There are also some other things which really should never be done at all!
STEP THREE - DELEGATE WHEN APPROPRIATE Having decided what needs to be done, and the order of priority, the next question is 'Who should do it?' In many cases the answer will be 'Me' simply because there may not be anyone else who can do it. Even a manager who controls staff will occasionally encounter situations when he or she is the only available resource. However, in many situations it may be possible to delegate work to other staff.
KEY POINTS ABOUT DELEGATION People are reluctant to delegate for the following; The risk of people getting it wrong. Although you can delegate responsibility and authority, you still remain fully accountable. When times get rough (or the pressure's on) you feel more comfortable slipping back into a previous role. It generally takes more time to train someone else to do a job, than to do it yourself. People will rarely do a job exactly as you do it - it will often be better, sometimes worse... but always different. There is a belief that you lose respect or status if you delegate work??
'What are the benefits of effective delegation?‘ Allows for the best use of skills and abilities. Motivates and develops staff. Gives people more authority within their sphere of work. Releases you to concentrate on more important tasks. Encourages people to accept a wider range of responsibilities.
'How do you delegate a task?‘ Decide what is appropriate to be delegated. Match the task to the most suitable person. Are they willing? How do you motivate them? Are they competent? Do they need any coaching or training? Set SMART objectives. Review performance and monitor progress. Give coaching and praise when justified. Give full authority - inform others who may be involved.
Delegation Category A High importance - high urgency. Do it yourself now - spend as long as it takes. Category B1 High urgency - low importance. Consider delegating as a development opportunity. Get it done soon. Category B2 High importance - low urgency. Consider delegating parts to an experienced and proven member of the team. Schedule time for completion. Category C Low importance - low urgency. Delegate, have it done sometime. Keep an eye on it.
STEP FOUR - PLAN THE USE OF YOUR TIME The following list contains suggestions that will help you plan your time: Start a diary system - and use it! Prepare a daily 'To do' list. Schedule time for Category A tasks. Allow time for reactive tasks. Improve reading skills - scan faster. Schedule time each day for planning. When is your prime time? We all have different 'creativity rhythms' - find out what yours is, and plan accordingly. Plan sufficient time for regular tasks which you know about, for example opening the mail. Write things down, instead of relying on your memory. Set deadlines, and give yourself 'rewards' when you meet them. Have a visible, high impact reminder of your job purpose to keep you focused on what's important.
STEP FIVE - STOP WASTING TIME! The final step in the process is to stop doing the things which we know waste our time. Some of them we enjoy, many of them are irritating - but most of them we could do without! You may find the following list of remedies useful as ways to stop you wasting time and stop other people wasting your time
STOP WASTING TIME Need to consult a colleague? Seize the initiative - initiate the call yourself, or go to the other person. Handle each piece of paper only once. Decide how you will deal with interruptions (politely). Don't delay - do it now! Be more assertive - learn to say 'No'. Be conscious of wasting other people's time. Stand up when people come to see you. Can you really afford time to read junk mail? Let your phone go to the answer machine and set aside a specific time to pick up your calls Start and finish one job at a time. Strike a balance with social chat. Delegate three things you really enjoy doing. Keep asking yourself 'What's the best use of my time right now?'