An AAC Professional Learning Module Book Study based on the AAC publication Scaffolding for Student Success Scaffolding for Student Success Module 4: Five Steps to Successful Scaffolding
Module 4 in Context AAC Professional Learning 2 Scaffolding for Student Success Module 1 clarified the two-fold purpose of assessment for learning. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 2 examined key conditions that set the stage for effective feedback. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 3 provided a closer look at the feedback tools in the Scaffolding resource. The purpose of Module 4 is to outline a five-step process for creating tools for classroom use.
Logistics AAC Professional Learning Page numbers in the upper right hand corner of the slides refer to pages in Scaffolding for Student Success. Participants will require access to a copy of the resource in order to take full advantage of this professional learning experience. Participant materials and facilitator notes are available to accompany this professional learning module. These materials are provided as a service to AAC members and are protected by copyright. If modifications are desired, the modified version should clearly indicate that they have been modified from the original and also provide the link to the original materials. Modified materials are for personal use and may not be subsequently posted to any website. The complete AAC Copyright and Terms of Use document is available at 3
Remember... AAC Professional Learning The two-fold purpose of assessment for Learning is to… provide teachers with information about student learning to inform decisions regarding next steps for instruction and coaching. provide students with information about their progress towards the learning goals to help them improve work in progress. 4
Remember... AAC Professional Learning Effective feedback is... specific and descriptive frequent and timely collaborative, with students deeply involved designed to improve student learning 5
Remember... 6 AAC Professional Learning Sources of feedback include...
Scaffolding for Student Success: Overview of Building the Tools 1. Identify the outcome and verify the level of cognition. 2. Determine a classroom context for the skill. 3. Describe what quality work looks like. 4. Design questions that will guide students towards providing the required evidence. 5. Design a tool for feedback that incorporates questions and the request for evidence. 7 AAC Professional Learning pp. 8 – 12
Building the Tools: Step One 1. Identify the outcome and verify the level of cognition. 8 AAC Professional Learning p. 9
For Example… Grade 5 ELA Outcome: Experience various texts describe and discuss new places, times, characters and events encountered in oral, print and other media texts 9 AAC Professional Learning
Building the Tools: Step Two 2. Determine a classroom context for the skill. 10 AAC Professional Learning p. 10
For Example… Synopsis of Gr. 5 ELA Task Think of a piece of literature that you have read. Write a paragraph describing a character from that piece of literature that would convince others that this would be a great book to read. Remember to use specific descriptive language that will make the character “come alive” to your audience. 11 AAC Professional Learning
Building the Tools: Step Three 3. Describe what quality work looks like. 12 AAC Professional Learning p. 10
For Example… Student Sample of Gr. 5 ELA Task In the novel Anne of Green Gables, Anne Shirley is an orphan. She is adopted by a farmer and his sister and goes to live at Green Gables. Her best friend is a neighbour girl named Diana. Anne and Diana get into lots of trouble. 13 AAC Professional Learning ? What does the student need to do to ‘make the character come alive’ to the audience?
Building the Tools: Step Four 4. Design questions that will guide students towards providing the required evidence. 14 AAC Professional Learning p. 11
Student Self-reflection: Sample A AAC Professional Learning In my paragraph do I have... Yes because...Not yet, but this is how I can make it better. a topic sentence? supporting ideas? a concluding sentence? ? What are the limitations of this tool? 15
Student Self-reflection: Sample B AAC Professional Learning Does/would my description... Yes because...Not yet, but this is how I can make it better. capture the attention of the reader from the beginning of the paragraph? use powerful words to create a vivid picture of the character? interest someone else enough to read the book ? ? What makes this tool more effective? 16
Building the Tools: Step Five 5. Design a tool for feedback that incorporates questions and the request for evidence. 17 AAC Professional Learning p. 12
Scaffolding for Student Success AAC Professional Learning 18 Examine the tools and ‘try out’ the various formats to see what best ‘fits’ the context. Templates are available on the AAC website.
Use the Tools Wisely AAC Professional Learning The tools are NOT worksheets but rather guides for reflection and feedback. Not every student will require every tool. Differentiate based on student needs. Conversation with students is essential. If students generate ideas that lead to other questions, incorporate their ideas into the tool, PROVIDING their suggestions are aligned with the outcome. Teachers use the lens of curriculum to guide students towards the learning goal. 19
It’s Called Assessment for Learning AAC Professional Learning A focus on formative assessment does not just add on a few techniques here and there – it organizes the whole teaching and learning venture around learning, and supports teachers in organizing the learning experiences of their students more productively. Black & Wiliam (2003, p. 56) 20
Remember... AAC Professional Learning The asterisk* reminds us of our primary role. * When work is judged to be limited or insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve. 21
Questions? 22