e~Funds for Schools MORE FEATURES, LOWER COST, BETTER PRODUCT Built for Schools by Schools
WELCOME! E~Funds for Schools is a fully encrypted, secure web based program that allows schools to collect payment for anything that a school would like to collect payments for, all at no cost to the school! Funds received from payments can be disbursed and distributed to an unlimited number of school bank accounts. The school controls and assigns operator access to different school users and school related entities. Many additional features are available! Extensive transaction and on-demand reporting will provide the school and auditors with a solid audit trail of funding to each school department. What is e~Funds for Schools?
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools SCHOOL USES Food Service Payments: –School Lunches/Breakfast –Concessions –Catering –Maintain Account balances –Automatic recurring payments –Low balance notices and low balance payments
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools SCHOOL USES School Fees, Events, and Activity Payments: –Pay to Play –Sports Events –Tickets - School Plays and other events –Parking Fees –Registration Fees –Book Rentals –Library Fines –HR Retiree Health Insurance co-pays –Fundraising –Donations
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools SCHOOL USES School Fees, Events, and Activity Payments: (continued) –Tuition Payments –Summer School classes –Day care –Driver’s Ed –School store –Class Sign-ups –Notices to Parents –Electronic receipting –Bus fees –Tax payments –Payment plans –More….
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools VALUE FOR THOSE THAT USE IT Who should be using e~Funds for Schools: –Food Service Directors –Business Managers –Accounting & Financial personnel –HR Directors –Athletic Coordinators –Secretaries and Teachers –Community Ed –PTO (PTA) groups –Band Boosters –Foundation Fundraisers –Before/After school Daycare –Driver’s Ed trainer –Transportation Dept.
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools PRODUCTS Cash Tracker -Monitor over the counter cash and checks received by the school -5 cents per “transaction” (line items in a session) -Electronic Receipts -Paper check conversion (12 cents per paper check converted) -Audit reports
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools PRODUCTS In Person Credit Card -Receive over the counter/In-person credit card payments -Cost of $85.00 for each USB “wedge” credit card swipe unit -School Pay option is 3.2% plus.20 per transaction to the school (An added Surcharge fee can help offset school costs) -Use remotely for sporting events -Use as part of POS Express module (Point of Sale Express)
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools PRODUCTS Touch Screen POS Loaded -More features and functionality than POS Express -Receive over the counter/In-person credit card payments -School districts purchase own hardware, pay a licensing fee for software -Unlimited software licenses included for each school district ($500 annually for the district and $180 per school building that makes up the district is the calculated license fee) -Transaction cost is 3.2% plus.20 per transaction to the school (An added Surcharge fee can help offset school transaction costs)
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools PRODUCTS Sign Up and Pay –Adult Ed –Textbook Rental –Registration for Classes, Activities, Summer School –Community Ed programs
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools PRODUCTS Mobile Pay –Make payments for lunch, fees, and other items or events –Pay for multiple students, multiple items, across multiple school buildings in the district all in one transaction –Use most smart phones or tablet devices –Receive /text receipts –Check student outstanding fee balances
Additional Features of e~Funds for Schools CONTACT INFORMATION e~Funds for Schools Contact Info: Richard Waelti… VP Sales e~Funds for Schools or