Road Map Leadership Team: English Language Learners and Culturally Responsive Practices
Road Map Leadership Team Bryan Jones, LU Principal Aaron Darragh, BV Principal Meagan Dawson, ELL and Special Programs Arie Werder, ILT, LU 7/8 Social Studies Beth Jimerson, Allen ELL teacher Jeff Brown, Special Education Director Tara Van Loo, ILT, LU ELL teacher Wendy Atkinson, ILT, BV ELL teacher Gail Omdal, ILT, LU Psychologist Nick Hayes, District Math TOSA Michael Sampson, HS ELL teacher Pam Pryor, ILT, HS Fine Arts and World Languages
Our Cycle of Inquiry Start with a Problem of Practice Develop a Theory of Action Plan to Collect and Use Evidence of Progress Take Action Understand What Happened
What is our Problem of Practice? At the Student Level Proficiency in Reading and Math At the Teacher Level Teacher awareness of language acquisition and culturally responsive practices At the Leadership Level Leader awareness of language acquisition and culturally responsive practices
What is our Theory of Action? If principals and district leaders… Learn how to create an environment where language and cultural assets are recognized as valuable resources to learning… Then staff… Learn how to leverage these language and cultural assets in instructional planning and daily interactions with students… Then all students… Are respected, empowered, valued, connected, and engaged, and succeed academically.
What data can we collect to use as evidence of our progress? Student Measures of Progress State data WELPA data Report Cards/ GPA Graduation rates At-risk student data Course registrations Attendance Behavior College Acceptance Rates AVID survey Healthy Youth Survey IDEA School Survey Family Visits/ Input
What data can we collect to use as evidence of our progress? Staff Measures of Progress Eval Criteria Observations Professional Development Walkthrough Data Mentoring Matters Interviews Surveys
What data can we collect to use as evidence of our progress? Leader Measures of Progress Eval Criteria Observations Professional Development Walkthrough Data Family Engagement Practices Interviews Surveys Hiring Practices
What actions are we taking? Our Road Map Action Plan: School Board Policy ELL Program Models District ELL Manual ELL PD Plan Culturally Responsive Plan Native Language Literacy Interpretation and Translation
When will we finish?
Understanding What Is Happening (a.k.a. “The Messiness of an Inquiry Cycle) What is working? What is not working? Why? Start with a Problem of Practice Develop a Theory of Action Plan to Collect and Use Evidence of Progress Take Action Understand What Happened
Road Map Leadership Team: English Language Learners and Culturally Responsive Practices Thank you! Questions? Feedback?