Budgeting your time: Making the most of your education at IC
Time Budgeting: Sometimes does it feel like this?
What are my mandatory time draws? O Class times O Other mandatory attendance programs i.e. work, tutor programs, extra help sessions O Meals O Chores O Clubs, etc. O Anything that requires some of your time i.e. Volunteer work O Sleep
Where are my free blocks of time? O Identify time slots that are not take by mandatory time draws. O Indicate study time/free time O Be sure to allow 3 hours per credit hour for each class!! Ex. 15 credits of class time indicates 45 hours of study time per week. Does that seem possible?
Time Budgeting
Steps to follow for successful Time Budgeting o Plan each day. o Prioritize your tasks. o Say no to nonessential tasks. o Delegate. o Take the time you need to do a quality job o Break large, time- consuming tasks into smaller tasks. o Practice the 10-minute rule. o Evaluate how you're spending your time. o Limit distractions. o Get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. o Take a break when needed.