LEGA LEGACY The crooked judge, retiring today, leaves behind a legacy of dishonesty and corruption. n. Body of ideas, achievements, and morals; example syn: heritage Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin LEGARE, LEGATUM, “to appoint, to send on a mission, to charge with”
LEGA DELEGATE Our parents delegated the easiest tasks, like collecting firewood, to the younger children. v. To divide up, especially responsibilities L. de, “down” + legare = to hand down an appointment syn: designate Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin LEGARE, LEGATUM, “to appoint, to send on a mission, to charge with”
ACT, AG AGENDA Although some critics have wondered whether the author had a political agenda in her last novel, she insists that there was no secret purpose. n. Plan of action; purpose L. literally, those things which must be done Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM, “to do, act”
ACT, AG PROACTIVE Gwen, who was proactive about getting a job, was hired right after she left college. adj. Seeking to solve a problem before it occurs L. pro, “before,” + actum = to act before Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM, “to do, act”
ACT, AG EXACTING The exacting conductor sometimes kept the orchestra for hours to practice a single passage. adj. Demanding perfection; strict L. ex, “out of,” + agere = to drive out of syn: picky ant: lenient The customer was so EXACTING that only the EXACT THING satisfied him. Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin AGERE, ACTUM, “to do, act”
PULS, PEL REPULSION After months of eating primarily peanut butter, Izzie began to feel repulsion for it. n. Desire to avoid; disgust L. re, “back,” + pulsum = to push back syn: horror ant: attraction Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin PELLERE, PULSUM, “to push”
PULS, PEL DISPEL Policemen were sent in to dispel the crowd of onlookers that had gathered near the accident. v. To scatter about, break up L. dis, “apart,” + pellere = to push apart syn: banish ant: gather Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin PELLERE, PULSUM, “to push”
PULS, PEL PROPEL A strong wind propelled the toy boat across the surface of the lake. v. To cause to move towards; push L. pro, “forward,” + pellere = to push forward syn: push Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin PELLERE, PULSUM, “to push”
LAT RELATIVE The number of people at the beach on any day is relative to the weather and the season. adj. Dependent upon L. re, “back,” + latum = brought back Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin LATUM, “brought, carried”
LAT SUPERLATIVE For superlative performance at work, Holly was awarded a big promotion. adj. Excellent; above all others L. super, “above,” + latum = carried above syn: superior ant: inferior Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin LATUM, “brought, carried”
LAT DILATE The surgeon dilated the opening of Anthony’s windpipe so he could breathe better. v. To widen L. dis, “apart,” + latum = carried apart Unit Five Back to Table of Contents Latin LATUM, “brought, carried”