SACE Leadership and Quality Learning Forums Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: building professional capacities in educational assessment Margery Evans Chief Executive Officer Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
Agenda Focus on teacher quality Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Performance and Development Framework Professional Learning Charter The Principal Standards The Teacher Standards & Assessment
Focus on teacher quality
Teaching quality is the most significant in-school factor affecting student outcomes J Hattie, Teachers make a difference 2003, OECD 2005 Students with a highly effective teacher learn twice as much as students with a less effective teacher B Jensen, Better teacher appraisal and feedback, Grattan Institute, 2011
Appraisal, feedback and professional learning are powerful drivers of improvement OECD 2009
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
a public statement of what constitutes teacher quality what teachers are expected to know and do at the four career stages
What is expected of me ~ Good at what? How good is good ? = Standards Who decides? How do I get better? How did I go? Back
Australian Teacher Performance And Development Framework
Reviewed the literature Mapped existing practice Commissioned ‘think pieces’ Sought advice from practitioners and national and international experts
Essential elements 1.Documented, regularly reviewed, measurable goals agreed with principal or delegate 2.Support in achieving goals including access to professional learning
3.Multiple sources of evidence including data on student outcomes classroom observation teacher collaboration 4.Regular feedback including a formal annual review with written and verbal feedback
Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders
Professional Learning Charter
Relevant Collaborative Future focussed
Leaders impact on teacher quality = impact on student outcomes
The job of leaders is to improve the performance of teachers so they can improve the performance of students Great leaders have high expectations of themselves and their teachers as well as their students
The Principal Standard
public statement of what Principals are expected to know, understand and do an integrated model define the role in common language unifies the profession nationally
The Standards and Assessment
assessment is a key element of a teachers professional practice important to continually develop practice around student assessment
Across career stages teachers should: develop a wide range of assessment strategies select effective feedback techniques to progress student learning use assessment data to evaluate learning, modify teaching and identify interventions required