E-Mag An E-Magazine by Rachel Grit Enter two contests and buy your movie tickets early! Special Narnia Edition!


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E-Mag An E-Magazine by Rachel Grit Enter two contests and buy your movie tickets early! Special Narnia Edition!

Contents! The Narnia movie: Prince Caspian This Week’s Poll: What percent of sixth grade PCA students liked the first Narnia movie? Narnia Trivia Quiz! This Week’s Contest Countdown to Caspian Calendar Where to Get Your Tickets Now Bonus Poll! Ben or Will? Pictures from the movie Submit your thoughts and ideas about Narnia Story Contest! Design a Narnia story

Prince Caspian Prince Caspian is a wonderful story about the Pevensie children’s return to Narnia. They are dragged by magic back to a very different Narnia, and finally figure out that the ruin they are camped at is their old castle, Cair Paravel. After that they find a dwarf named Trumpkin who leads them to Prince Caspian, a boy being chased by his uncle, “King” Miraz. They call upon Aslan and win a battle to save Narnia. In the end Prince Caspian becomes King Caspian. This is a great story. Page 1

This Week’s Poll: What Percentage of PCA students liked, loved, or hate The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe movie? Out of 53 votes cast: 41% loved it 39% liked it 5% hated it What did you think?

Narnia Trivia Quiz! Who was the White Witch’s head wolf? A) Marius B) Maugrim c) Tumnus What was Mr. Tumnus? A) A faun B) a lion C) a half-horse/half-man Who betrayed Aslan and the children? A) Peter B) Edmund C) Lucy How long was it between the children’s first visit to Narnia and their second in earth years? A) 1 B) 1300 C) A few days Send your answers to

This Week’s Contest: Make Up a Narnia Joke! Got a funny one about the White Witch or Peter tripping? Share it with us! The funniest jokes with be shown in another issue. The winners will be ed a certificate. DEADLINE: Friday, May 9 th, 2008 Send jokes to

Countdown to Caspian Calendar SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 15 days left 2 14 days left 3 13 days left 4 12 days left 5 11 days left 6 10 days left 7 9 days left 8 8 days left 9 7 days left 10 6 days left 11 5 days left 12 4 days left 13 3 days left 14 2 days left 15 1 more day! 16 Prince Caspian comes out!

Where to get your tickets NOW To buy or reserve your tickets early, go to disney.com/narnia. NOTE TO SAFETIES: We will be going to Cedar Point on May 16 th, the day Prince Caspian comes out. Some theatres are giving midnight performances if you want to see it on opening day.

Bonus Poll: Ben or Will? Who is cuter? Ben (Caspian) Barnes or Will (Peter) Moseley? Out of 27 votes cast: 16 voted for Ben 11 voted for Will I, personally think Ben is cuter than Will. Sorry, Will! (Look for a funny story about Ben and Will on the set in the next issue!)

Pictures from the Movie

Share your thoughts and ideas about Narnia Have questions or comments about Narnia in general? Share them here. Send an to with “E-Mag Narnia Thought” as the Please keep content appropriate!

Story Contest: Design a Narnia short story What do you think should happen in Narnia? Enter this contest to share your opinions and writing abilities! Write a two page (typed in 12 pt. font) or less story about Narnia. It can take place anywhere in Narnia history, even a place that is not written about (example: Queen Swanwhite). Please use the spell-check before sending in your story. Send it to with “E-Mag Narnia Story” as the subject. The winning story (or stories) will be posted in a future issue. DEADLINE: May 30 th, 2008

Thank You! Note from the Editor Thank you for reading the first-ever issue of E-mag. If you have ideas for a new name, your thoughts are appreciated. Send them to with “E-Mag Name” as the subject. Feel free to forward this to your friends. If they would like to subscribe to get E-mag, have them me at the address above with “E-mag” in the subject somewhere. Thank You for reading! ~Rachel, Editor in Chief

Credits Editor– Rachel Grit Photos—Google.com Polls– Rachel Grit Poll Voters-- PCA students Computer Provider– Rachel’s Dad (Scott)