McDonalds will be the sponsor of the London Olympics and many that are not conducive to that lifestyle. “It’s very sad that an event that celebrates the very best of athletic achievements which will seat 1,500 customers at London’s Olympic Park. Those that disagree say that it is sending the wrong should be sponsored by companies contributing to the obesity problem and unhealthy habits”. It is also associating health and success with foods are not happy about the decision! The fast food giant will also be opening its largest franchise in the world, a two-story building message by associating fit athletes with McDonald’s meals
McDonalds will be the sponsor of the London Olympics and many are not happy about the decision! “It’s very sad that an event that celebrates the very best of athletic achievements should be sponsored by companies contributing to the obesity problem and unhealthy habits”. Those that disagree say that it is sending the wrong message by associating fit athletes with McDonald’s meals. It is also associating health and success with foods that are not conducive to that lifestyle. The fast food giant will also be opening its largest franchise in the world, a two-story building which will seat 1,500 customers at London’s Olympic Park. message by associating fit athletes with McDonald’s meals
Supersize Me Section One: The Opening Credits: 0 to 5mins. 1) How many U.S. adults are overweight or obese? one hundred million / 60% 2) What has happened in America since 1980? the total number of obese / overweight Americans has doubled 3) What statistic does he use to describe his home state of West Virginia? the third fattest state in America 4) What is the connection between obesity and smoking in America? Smoking is the first cause of preventable death in America; obesity is the second. 5) What do one in four Americans do every day? visit a fast food restaurant. 6) How many people eat McDonald’s every day worldwide? 46 million people 7) Name four places you can find a McDonald’s. Walmarts, airports, rest stops, gas stations, train stations, shopping malls, department stores, amusement parks, hospitals.
Supersize Me – Section Two Watch this short section. Discuss with your partner where you think the responsibility lies – Is it McDonald’s fault that people are overweight because they have introduced ‘supersizes’, or is it the responsibility of the consumers who have the choice whether or not to eat McDonald’s?
Supersize Me – Section Three 1) How many food advertisements does the average American child see on TV every year? 2) What are 95% of those adverts for? 3) What does Michael Jordan sell? What is it suggested he should sell? 4) What does Britney Spears sell? What is it suggested she should sell? 5) How much did McDonalds spend on direct media advertising in 2001? 6) How much did Pepsi spend on direct media advertising in 2001? 7) What campaign spent only 2 billion dollars on advertising in it’s peak year? 8) Name 3 ways food is marketed for children. 9) At the end of the clip, Marion Nestle (Chair of Nutrition and Food Studies, NYU) states: “The most heavily advertised foods are consumed the most”. What impact do you think this will have at the Olympics? Discuss this question with your partner(s).