Data & Processing progress in the validation sites Christian Bignami Guido Luzi Urs Wegmuller
Port-au-Prince - Haiti Optical dataset complete: pre-seismic GeoEye images, :34 GMT post-seismic GeoEye image, :26 GMT o Data ortho-rectified with ASTER DEM, and co-registered each other (100 control points, rms about 2m) o Mutual Information, Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Normalised Difference Index derived at city block scale (i.e. with OSM polygons) o Features calculated on a “false” pan channel NDI KLD
SAR dataset completed: TSX images collected and processed, HH pol, StripMap mode -Pre-seismic: & Post-seismic: o Intensity Correlation Difference o KLD done o Geocoded with ASTER DEM to be on the same geometry of optical data Port-au-Prince - Haiti ICD
Ground truth -Building by building survey from aerial and satellite images (JRC data) -From Building by building to Collapse Ratio by means of OSM polygons Port-au-Prince - Haiti
Christchurch, NZ PSI processing completed o Surface velocity and time series derived from ASAR dataset o Time period: to o Dataset delivered to partners PSI coherence reduction product done
Christchurch, NZ Optical dataset NOT complete: Only pre-seismic WorldView image, :15 GMT (partly cloudy) Data still not processed, delivered to the relevant partners Post-image to be ordered via Copernicus Data-Ware House SAR dataset completed: TSX images collected, NOT processed (HH pol, SM) Pre-seismic: , , Post-seismic: , delivered to the relevant partners
Christchurch, NZ Ground truth: Very detailed information about building by building status o data collection by Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) 217 fields in the database Need to ”transform” information into EMS scale for the project purpose (how to do this???)
Christchurch, NZ Ground truth: Pre-event Building Footprints map (shapefile) available Addition data: -Occurred liquefaction map -Liquefaction hazard map -PGA from accelerometers