Ecological Objective 3: Harvest of commercially exploited fish and shellfish Populations of selected commercially exploited fish and shellfish are within.


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Presentation transcript:

Ecological Objective 3: Harvest of commercially exploited fish and shellfish Populations of selected commercially exploited fish and shellfish are within biologically safe limits, exhibiting a population age and size distribution that is indicative of a healthy stock GENERAL FISHERIES COMMISSION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN GFCM draft proposal for GES determination and GES targets with regard to Ecological Objective 3 Pilar Hernández and Marta Coll GFCM Secretariat

3 Operational Objectives 3.1. The level of exploitation by commercial fisheries allows populations to be within biological safe limits 3.2. The reproductive capacity of stocks is maintained 3.3. The impact of fishing activities in the ecosystem is low 10 indicators (4 common and 6 candidate) -Commercial stocks and vulnerable species -Species and community levels -From catch and scientific surveys data Draft approved by SAC with some remarks regarding indicators not currently assessed in the routine work of the GFCM 2014

Oo3IndicatorSpecies included 3.1 Level of exploitation by commercial fisheries allows populations to be within biological safe limits Total catch (or landings) C-Priority species (I-II-III) Fishing mortality C -Priority species (I) Biomass indices-Priority species (I-II-III) Ratio between catch and biomass index (catch/biomass ratio) -Priority species (I-II-III) Proportion of stocks sustainable fished C -Priority species (I) 3.2. The reproduct ive capacity of stocks is maintaine d Mean length of the population in the catch and in the community -Priority species (I-II-III) -Vulnerable species Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) C -Priority species (I) 3.3. The impact of fishing activities in the ecosystem is low Mean Trophic Level of the catch (and community) -Priority species (I-II-III) Proportion of large fish in the catch (and the community) -Priority species (I-II-III) Proportion of all exploited species with declining biomass in the catch (and the community) -Priority species (I-II-III) 2014

Oo3Indicators (2014)Indicators (2015) 3.1 Level of exploitation by commercial fisheries allows populations to be within biological safe limits Total catch (or landings) C Total landings Fishing mortality C Fishing mortality Biomass indices Ratio between catch and biomass index Fishing effort Proportion of stocks sustainable fished 3.2. The reproductive capacity of stocks is maintained Mean length of the population in the catch and in the community Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) C Spawning stock biomass 3.3. The impact of fishing activities in the ecosystem is low Mean Trophic Level of the catch (and community) Bycatch of vulnerable and non- target species Proportion of large fish in the catch (and the community) Proportion of all exploited species C with declining biomass in the catch (and the community) Optimal length Black: Common indicators Grey: rejected by SAC Purple: candidate indicators for the future

MedSuit First Regional Workshop on indicators and targets to ensure GES of exploited marine living populations in the GFCM area GFCM - Palazzo Blumenstihl, Via Vittoria Colonna 1, 00193, Rome, Italy – – FAO HQ, Rome, Italy, 6– 7 November 2014

Objectives To propose common indicators to ensure GES at the regional level To identify elements for joint monitoring programmes in the GFCM area, including in selected GFCM subregions To make recommendations that could contribute to the ongoing work of the GFCM SAC in relation to the assessment and management of exploited marine populations 52 participants, including 22 national experts, representatives of international organizations, the FAO, FAO regional projects, observers and the GFCM Secretariat (Rome, 6-7 November 2014) Joint project by the Italian Ministry of Environment and the GFCM

Agreed common set of indicators:  Total landings  Fishing mortality  Spawning stock biomass  Effort  Bycatch of vulnerable and non-target species Other candidate indicator to be further tested:  Biomass index  Large Fish indicators  Optimal length  Mean Trophic level Outcomes of MedSUit WK

Steps forward MedSuit Project A second workshop is foreseen during the first half of Provide a concrete definition of each indicators 2.Provide methodologies to: a) estimate the different indicators, b)aggregate them at sub-regional and regional scale c)assess their performance 3.Prepare a roadmap towards the implementation of joint monitoring programmes

The Group identified the following key elements for monitoring programs The monitoring program should cover the minimum set of common indicators The monitoring program should be consistent with the new Data Collection Reference Framework (DCRF), including in relation to priority species to be addressed by the program. The monitoring program should be tested at sub- regional level using case studies. Steps forward MedSuit Project

A list of available species and GSA by source of information a)fisheries dependent and which kind – surveys, logbooks, etc., b)or fisheries independent and which kind – acoustics, trawling, etc.) The links between the sources of information required for the different indicators and the DCRF should be investigated and necessary corrections to the DCRF should be proposed. Preparatory work by a consultant