Reading the Road MAPP: Overview of the CHIP Process Burlington County Health Department June 4, 2007
MAPP M obilizing for A ction through P lanning and P artnerships
MAPP is… A community-wide strategic planning tool for improving public healthA community-wide strategic planning tool for improving public health A method to help communities prioritize public health issues,A method to help communities prioritize public health issues, identify resources for addressing them and take action
MAPP is... The primary tool adopted by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services for each county to use to create a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
Phase One Organize for Success & Partnership Building
Initiation of MAPP Process Community-Wide Strategic PlanningCommunity-Wide Strategic Planning High Level of Commitment from Partners, Stakeholders and ResidentsHigh Level of Commitment from Partners, Stakeholders and Residents
Phase Two Visioning
What Would We Like Our Community To Look Like In 10 Years?
The Vision for Burlington County In the vision of the future, the citizens of Burlington County will relate to one another within a culture of personal respect for their common interests as well as their differences.
This capacity will be derived from the creation of a host of educational, social, medical, environmental and economic support systems that promote and sustain individual and collective self respect.
Citizens, together, in their private lives or in the community, whether in the workplace, marketplace, schools, religious setting, or in any other activity, will create a healthy and safe community that supports shared leadership, interconnected use of limited resources, accountability and a capacity to change.
The results will stimulate organizations to work for the long term public interest, and to ensure positive health outcomes, strong families and households, and the clean environment and open spaces needed for sound social and economic development.
Phase Three The Four MAPP Assessments
Community Themes and Strengths Local Public Health System Community Health Status Forces of Change
Community Themes and Strengths What is important to our community? How is the quality of life perceived in our community? What assets do we have that can be used to improve community health?
Key Findings: Affordable Health Insurance, Access To Healthcare, Affordable Housing Cancers, Aging Problems, Heart Disease and Stroke Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Being Overweight
Local Public Health System How are the Essential Services being provided to our community? What are the activities, competencies, and capacities of our local public health system?
Key Findings:
Community Health Status How healthy are our residents? What does the health status of our community look like?
Key Findings: Body Mass Index High Blood Pressure Asthma Diabetes Digital Rectal Exams Prostate Cancer
Key Findings from Secondary Data: Age-Adjusted Death Rate Mortality Rates for Heart Disease and Cancer Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Mortality Rate Chlamydia Environmental
Forces of Change What is occurring or might occur that affects the health of our community or the local public health system? What specific threats or opportunities are generated by these occurrences?
Key Findings: Global Effects of Oil and Gas, Terrorism, Environment, Global Warming Financial Issues Health Care Costs and Access, Hospital Closings, Mental Health Demographic Shifts, Population Increases, Aging Baby Boomers, Immigration Income Shortages, Ability to Maintain Living Standards Emergency Response Capability and Preparedness Government Bureaucracy, Politics, Resistance to Change
Phase Four Identification of Strategic Issues (Areas of Opportunity)
Key Findings From Assessments Common Issues & Themes Areas of Opportunity
Nutrition and Physical Activity Preventive Health Care Practices Infectious Disease Environmental Health Peace and Well Being
Phase Five Formulate Goals and Strategies
Strategies Developed Today Will Be an Integral Part of the CHIP
Phase Six Action Cycle
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) IMPLEMENT EVALUATE PLAN
MAPP M obilizing for A ction through P lanning and P artnerships For More information, Please Visit Our Website