1 Workshop on Capacity Building of Trade Unions through upgrading organizers IT Skills
2 Organization: General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) Summary Project Outline Project Title:Workshop on capacity building of Trade Unions through upgrading organizers IT Skills Tentative Duration:5 days Starting Date:May, 2009 Geographical Coverage: Nepal Project Language:English Executing Organizing/Unit Education Department of GEFONT Preparation Date19 March 2009 Author:Ms. Deepa Dawadi (first draft)
3 Background and Justification In Nepal Trade Unions are more or less using IT for their various trade Union Activities. But it seems to be centred in Headquarters of National Centres and affiliates but in Regional level and Enterprise level they still lack excess of technology. GEFONT has its well developed websites and using Window XP, Internet, database, Accounting Software, mebership database etc Likewise GEFONT has been giving high emphasis to human resource development to enhance skill of leaders, cadre & Admin staffs in- Computer operating skill Office Management Communication and Correspondence skill Accounting English Language These activities have been helping them for various organisational work but Information Technology is growing very fast in the world, so to cope with the latest technology and update new innovative in IT, it is necessary to provide training and introduce new easy application of Information Technology which will helps to modernize and create more efficiency in the entire organization from National centre to Lower level.
4 Target Group and Parties Involved The main target group will be leaders, office bearers,coordinator of various department and staffs of GEFONT and affiliates at National, Regional, Zone level, District level. It is estimated that some 25 members of GEFONT and affiliates with gender balance will participate the workshop Organizer, Education Department For technical support IT person will be consulted
5 Development Objectives This workshop will contribute in strengthening trade union with capacity building and upgrading the IT skills of Trade Union Organizers for effective performance of various trade union activities including the promotion of organising, workers rights and Decent work Immediate Objectives Participants will have more knowledge of new technologies and methods to use it effectively. Connect the National Centres, Affiliated at Regional, Zonal, District and Enterprise level sharing the information online quickly. Use IT specially open source software: web browser, Open source office-writer, calc, impress, base in various trade union activities like communication, correspondence, Networking, information management, education, research, Collective bargaining and Finance handling Participants will share their knowledge of IT to other members in their respective sectors
6 Activities Proposed to Project Management Committee Seeking Fund Finalize date Selection of Participant Finding Resource people Preparation of Training Materials Finalize the main Content of Course - Introduction to Open Source software - / Internet/Web browser - Distance Education, web conference demonstration of to solicomm how to use it - Use of Blogs, Youtube, Podcasting, Wikipedia, RSS etc 5 days Workshop
7 Inputs Organizational supports : space and well configured computers with internet and network connection Technical Support Finance Support for total expenditure
8 Indicators Trained 25 participants will use their knowledge of new IT Application open Source software effectively and practically in their trade union activities for Database, Account handling, information management etc. structures are strengthened at district, zone, regional and national levels in GEFONT and its affiliates. Union will have well managed and database record Through , website, e-letter, blog etc effective communication, strong information sharing, network and Solidarity with National and International Trade Union Organization
9 Thank You !