Electronic Portfolio for Type your name here. Type your work location here. Type your position here. Type your address here. Insert Photo Here
Electronic Portfolio Components Basic Computer Operations HIT 100 Databases II HIT 204 Word Processing I HIT 101 Desktop Publishing HIT 105 Word Processing II HIT 102 Web Pages HIT 106 Spreadsheets and Graphing Tools I HIT 103 Research HIT 107 Spreadsheets and Graphing Tools II HIT 202 Webbing, Brainstorming, Organizing with Inspiration HIT 108 A Multimedia I HIT 103 Webbing, Brainstorming, Organizing with TimeLiner HIT 108B Multimedia II HIT 203 Communicating Electronically HIT 111 Databases I HIT 104 Technology Integration HIT 109L Personal Reflection for Leadership
Basic Computer Operations HIT 100 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Basic Computer Operations are used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Word Processing I HIT 101 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Word Processing I is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Word Processing II HIT 201 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Word Processing II is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Spreadsheets and Graphing Tools I HIT 102 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Spreadsheets and Graphing Tools I are used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Spreadsheets and Graphing Tools II HIT 202 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Spreadsheets and Graphing Tools II are used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Multimedia I HIT 103 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Multimedia I is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Multimedia II HIT 203 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Multimedia I I is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Databases I HIT 104 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Databases I is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Databases II HIT 204 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Databases II is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Desktop Publishing HIT 105 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Desktop Publishing is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Web Pages HIT 106 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Web Pages are used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Research HIT 107 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Research is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Webbing, Brainstorming, and Organizing with Inspiration HIT 108 A Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe Webbing, Brainstorming, and Organizing with Inspiration are used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Webbing, Brainstorming, and Organizing with Timeliner HIT 108 B Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Webbing, Brainstorming, and Organizing with Timeliner are used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Communicating Electronically HIT 111 Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Communicating Electronically is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Technology Integration HIT 109 L Artifact 1Link here to artifact 1 Artifact 2 (if desired)Link here to artifact 2 (if desired) IAPLink here to the IAP Reflection: In this space, please describe how Technology Integration is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed.
Personal Reflection Reflection: In this space, please reflect on the course, the artifacts created and how technology is used with your job as a _______ with Henry County Schools. Feel free to change font size as needed. ReflectionLink to reflection here.