EVENT ORGANIZER Manajemen Perhotelan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro 2016
DEFINISI Event adalah sebuah kegiatan Organizer adalah Penyelenggara Organizing adalah mengatur Event Organizer adalah penyelenggara sebuah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Event Organizing adalah Mengatur jalannya sebuah Event akan berhasil sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan. Event management adalah sebuah proses adopsi/penggunaan dan difusi/penyebaran.
Event Planning Easy guide to planning your event
Events are large-scale activities put on by an Committee, Volunteers or contracted professional which require much larger-than-usual amounts of planning and money. While an organization might host regular events which are advertised via to memberships or to which the public may be consistently invited, an "event" is an occasional activity put on by a Committee, Volunteers or contracted professional which will be extensively advertised to the public. What is an "Event"?
Events could include Fundraiser for a specific reason ( fundraising to purchase new equipment or for a special project) Conference Festival or special presentation over a series of days
What is an event?: conference, symposium hands-on training marketing exhibition sports competition cultural festival Many others....
Get Started Planning Your Event! What is the vision and purpose behind the event. What are some ways you can accomplish your goal? When is the best time to hold this event? How many people do you want to have attend? Where can you accommodate the number of people at the time you want to hold the event?
Getting Started How much money will the event cost? How much money is available, and from where will it come? Are there sponsors that you can approach right away? What is the working budget? Develop your event budget with estimates to begin
Framework for your Event Come up with an idea, vision, or set of goals for the event. Determine what is necessary to implement the vision and the budget required. Create your working committee Set up your working timeline Develop your meeting schedule
First time? Some annual special events may require a few years to become firmly established. Don't be disappointed if your event isn't as well attended as you had hoped in its first year. If it was well planned and executed and if your volunteers were enthusiastic and committed, more people will take part next time.
Continue with Timeline Template Use the timeline template as your guide for planning Keep in mind the variety of committees required for a successful event Don’t plan an event in two months – Event planning takes time Fundraising costs money Conferences cost money
Before the Event Invitations and Hospitality Committee Entertainment and Publicity Food and Decorations Committee Exhibits and Information Committee
Good Luck And remember to have fun along the way