Insert name of presentation on Master Slide The power of engagement and celebrating success Wednesday 13 June 2012 Andrew Cooper, Communications Manager
Session content You’ve got your story – where next? Lessons from Hollywood. Marketing your blockbuster! Case study – the difference good communications can make. Changing the world – one story at a time. Improving care, delivering quality
The most anticipated movie of 2012 Improving care, delivering quality The Dark Knight Rises IMDB – Internet Movie Database Principal photography completed Nov 2011 Release date: July 20 (UK)
The Hollywood marketing machine Product – genre, style, subject Placing – release date, the competition Promotion – print, online, viral, trailers, merchandising Publicity – star interviews, premieres, reviews, news items Marketing Campaign for ‘Iron Man 2’ estimated at $100 million Improving care, delivering quality
Planned Intentional Strategic Results: full theatres, return visits, merchandise sales, a secure franchise Improving care, delivering quality
Your digital blockbuster Product – what’s the genre, who’s the audience, who will benefit most? Placing – when and where are the best places to use your story? Promotion – what are the channels you can use? Publicity – how will you publicise it? Improving care, delivering quality
Do I really need to do all this? Why did you create the digital story? What’s gained in producing a great story that no-one sees? You don’t just buy a hammer to hit one nail. Maximise the input of your contributors and colleagues. Improving services for patients. Improving care, delivering quality
Planned Intentional Strategic Results: issues highlighted, awareness raised, platform for change created Improving care, delivering quality
Product What are the key themes? Meta-tags Who are the main audiences? Who will benefit most? Write a short summary about the story that you can share – capturing the above. Improving care, delivering quality
Placing What’s going on in your organisation? Identify any conferences, events, discussions at board or team meetings? Start making the links – use your summary to engage and inform colleagues. Improving care, delivering quality
Promotion What are your channels? –Internet and intranet sites –Newsletters, reports, noticeboards –Social media (Twitter, Facebook) –Local press –Meetings, conferences, training, induction Improving care, delivering quality
Publicity News items Press releases Reviews/discussion boards Premiere Talk to your Communications Team Improving care, delivering quality
Case Study – pressure ulcers! Cost 4% of the annual NHS budget Until recently considered unavoidable Pilot work on wards in Wales as part of 1000 Lives Campaign Possible to reduce pressure ulcers Improving care, delivering quality
Pressure ulcers are life-threatening The most common cause of death from a pressure ulcer is from septicaemia but they can also contribute to a catabolic state
Improving care, delivering quality Pressure ulcers are expensive Estimated costs are £4300-£6400 per patient to treat One patient in Ireland was shown to cost over £100,000 Equates to £2.64 Billion across UK NHS per year, at least £150M in Wales Riordan J, Voegeli D. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers Br J Nursing 18(20) S
Voice of the patient “I’m coming into hospital next week. I want to go onto the ward where they don’t have pressure ulcers.” Shaping Government policy – making the reduction of pressure ulcers mandatory. Improving care, delivering quality
Your story could save lives - make sure the right people see it! Improving care, delivering quality
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