Finance side of AICA The credit goes to one and only Nisarg Patel
Raise your hand up high if your organization will be asking for funds from AICA to fund your event
Go over the Proposal
How do I get on the agenda? the proposal along with all the necessary documents to Nidhi, AICA chair and Nisarg, AICA Vice Chair by Friday 5PM to be on the AICA Finance committee agenda the following week. Nidhi’s Nisarg’s
Office Hours Nidhi Patel—Th: 10-11AM, 12-1PM Nisarg Patel—Mo: 4-5PM, Th: 2-3PM Harjot Chahal—Tu: 2:30-3PM, Th: 11:30-12:30, Th: 2:30-3PM Elizabeth Jimenez—Mo: 1-2PM, Wed: 1-2PM Aaliyah King—Wed: 10:45-11:45AM Kwan’ze Stewart— Th: 12-1PM Adrianna Martinez—Available via appointment
Getting on the agenda continued After ing the proposal, set up a meeting with one of AICA e-board Create a visual for the committee members, most commonly used is PowerPoint. In the visual, summarize the Proposal Be creative For example, add pictures, short clips of video
Check Request form After getting your proposal approved, it’s time to turn in the check request! The check request form must be submitted by Friday 5PM to get a check by the following Friday by 3PM. You must have an itemized receipt(original receipt) or an invoice to get your money reimbursed. Attach the receipt to the check request and turn it in to any AICA e-board or TSU 256 Go to Accounting department to pick up check
Go over the General Council Reimbursement form
Proposal Timeline
For Contracts $1500 or less AICA Finance Committee has full authority to allocate requests up to this amount. In other words, You only need AICA Finance Committee approval For example: Your event is on Aug 31 st, what do you want to do ?
For Contracts =< $1500 Submit Proposal + Sign Up AICA Finn COMM + Appointment AICA FINN COM Check Request Submit Check Request Authorized Enjoy your event
For Contracts more than $ and less than $5000 AICA Finance Committee makes a recommendation to AICA General Council In other word, the proposal has to be approved by both AICA Finn Committee + AICA General Council For Example, let’s say your contract comes out to be $4,000 and your event is on September 26 th. What do you do?
For $1500 < Contracts < $5000 Check Request Submit Check Request Authorized Submit Proposal + Sign Up AICA Finn COMM + Appointment AICA FINN COM AICA General Council Once again, Enjoy your event
For Contracts more than $5,000 and/or off- campus First things first, Everyone please notice the word OR You need the approval from AICA Finance Committee, AICA General Council, ASI Finance Committee, and ASI Board of Directors. This process can take up to two months! I suggest you plan it out really early There is also at least two week delay before you get on Board of Directors! For example, What would you do if your event is on September 26 th and it’s off campus?
For Contracts >= $5,000 OR off- campus AICA FINN COM AICA General Council Check Request Submit Check Request Authorized ASI FINN COM BOD Submit Proposal + Sign Up AICA Finn COMM + Appointment Talk to ASI VP of Finn + Sign Up for ASI Finn COMM After all that work, Enjoy the event!
ASI Finance Committee ASI Finance committee meets every Thursday at 1:00PM in TSU Legislative Chamber II. After your proposal gets approved from AICA Finance Committee, get in touch with Sunny Gill, contact provided below Office: TSU-207, (657) You must submit the required documents by Friday 5PM to be on ASI Fin Comm next Thurday if they’re on the schedule! Required documents are provided in the next slide
Required Documents for ASI Finance Committee For contracts over $5,000 and the events on campus Submit a memo that summarizes the proposal. Include a breakdown of costs, listing all necessary costs and highlighting what is being requested from ASI. Detail any other information you feel is relevant, such as why this expenditure is necessary and how many people will benefit from the program. For off-campus events Submit a memo that summarizes the proposal. Explain why the off-campus venue chosen was ideal for the event, and why an on-campus venue was not chosen. Fill out the form on the Finance Committee page of the ASI website You also want to submit the proposal along with the memo. You are not required to do a presentation as long as you can articulate the information
ASI Board of Directors The Board meets every Tuesday at 1:15PM in the Legislative Chambers in the TSU. After ASI Finance Committee approves the proposal, there’s a two weeks of delay before placing your request in BoD meeting. You usually do not have to submit additional documents since they have already been submitted to ASI Finance committee.
Travel If you want to spend more than $500 on travel for one individual in a fiscal year, you would have to go through ASI Finance committee. An individual cannot be a senior or graduating this year. AICA may fund a maximum of two persons from an AICA Organization to attend any one conference. AICA Travel budget is $5,000
Quick Summary of AICA Bylaws First things first, any event funded by AICA must have free admission to CSUF students. For non-CSUF student you’re more than welcome to charge a fee. A verbal and written acknowledgement of ASI and AICA funding must be made before and after the event. Food funding guidelines AICA may fund cultural and ethnic food up to $750 for one major annual event A major event is a cultural presentation or show with at least 200 anticipated attendants. AICA may fund up to $400 for smaller events The off-campus venue must be within 20 miles of the campus.
Summary of AICA Bylaws continued Any contract, fee or rental over $1000 will need a minimum of 10% contribution from the organization seeking AICA funding. AICA will not fund more than $10,000 for any single event. All AICA funded events, with the exception of culture shows, will be funded based on tiers and cost per person. Cost per person is derived by dividing the AICA requested amount by the attendance measure.
Tiers Tier 1: Events under $1000 must have a cost per person below $25. Should the cost per person be over $25, AICA will only fund $500 for the event. Tier 2: Events between$1000and $ must have a cost per person below $20. Should the cost per person be over$20, AICA will only fund $1000 for the event. Tier 3: Events between $2000 and $ must have a cost per person at or below $15. Should the cost per person be over $15, AICA will only fund $2000 for the event. Tier 4: Events $3000 or over must have a cost per person below $10. Should the cost per person be over $10, AICA will only fund $3000 for the event.
Questions to think about during a proposal presentation Is this amount reasonable? Are we consistence? Is not having for this amount would effect the event? Is the organization contributing reasonable amount for this event? What’s consumable and non-consumable?--Nidhi
Contact info: Nisarg Patel TSU 256 Phone:
Questions? Concerns?