Miss Brandi Beneke In May of 2015, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Elementary Education from Lynchburg College. I chose to study Elementary Education so that I could obtain the knowledge and skills needed to educate children. I am very passionate about working with children and I take great pride in being a part of their growth and success both in and out of the classroom. I could not imagine myself in any other profession.
Miss Brandi Beneke Field I Experience at Perrymont Elementary School – First Grade Field II Experience at Robert S. Payne Elementary School – First Grade Field III Experience at Forest Elementary School – Fifth Grade Student Teaching at Brookneal Elementary School – Kindergarten and Fourth Grade
Morning Meeting “A Beginning to the Day” The purpose of morning meeting is to build community in the classroom and fulfill children’s need to belong, feel significant and have fun. In addition, it is used for building trust and setting a positive tone for learning, merging social and academic learning, and practicing and reinforcing key academic skills. Morning Greeting The students greet each other using a handshake, a hug, a high five or a hand wave. Morning Message The students practice academic skills and build community by reading and discussing a daily message from the teacher. Content of the message connects to both the social and academic life of the classroom. Sharing The students share ideas and information in a structured format. In around-the-circle sharing, everyone in the circle has an opportunity to respond briefly to a teacher-chosen topic (e.g., “What is your favorite month of the year and why?”). Group Activity The students participate in a short, lively activity (e.g., choral reading, singing, dancing, chanting, games). consonants and vowels spacing sounds (beginning / ending sounds, blends and digraphs) sight words directionality rhyming punctuation synonyms, antonyms, homonyms letters, words, sentences, and symbols syllables
McKenna Reading Groups Walpole/McKenna Program from UVA Placement is based on PALS testing results and teacher observations / assessments Leveled and Fluid Basic alphabet knowledge Letter sounds Letter Patterns Blends / Digraphs Silent / Final /e/ Fluency / Comprehension
Shared Reading Teacher and students read aloud together. Instruction emphasis includes reading strategies, language skills and word study skills. Types of materials used include big books, poems and trade books.
Literacy Skills Identify uppercase and lowercase ABCs Read sight words Write their name correctly Write a clear, concise sentence Retell stories Identify beginning / ending sounds Divide words into syllables Blend sounds to form words
Journal Writing Mini lessons will provide writing and language skills. Share writing with each other at the carpet. Learn to use capitalization, spacing of words and proper punctuation. GOAL is to write a complete sentence.
Calendar Time The teacher teaches and explains basic math concepts with a calendar. money concepts odd and even patterns number sense skip counting geometry morning and nighttime time of day yesterday, today and tomorrow before and after place value mathematical language sequencing graphing days of the week months of the year seasons weather
Seatwork Students will use seatwork time to practice skills covered in class. Students will learn to work independently. During seatwork time, the students will be involved in reading groups and writing.
Homework Homework will be sent home on Tuesdays. Your child will need to complete all homework by Friday of that week and return folder to school. Parents should supervise homework.
Assessments PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) Beginning / Middle / End of Year Math Benchmark Test DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) Sight Words Writing
REMINDERS Please remember to sign and return Monday folders every Tuesday. Track your child’s behavior daily by looking in his or her daily folder. Please send any notes or money to school in this folder. Please remember to sign and return this folder every day.
SUPPORT TJES Join the PTA for $10.00 per family! Volunteer at the school. Support your student in their work.