Tipperary County Council ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August Renewable Energy - Planning Issues Nuala O’Connell, Senior Executive Planner
Introduction What does Planning do? Why do we do it? When do we do it? What does it mean for you? How can we help? ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Key Issues ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August Renewable Energy: The Tipperary Experience RE SourcePermitted Developments Wind Turbines, Autoproduction and Commercial 46 wind farms permitted, 32 commenced. Solar Panels – Roof and Ground Mounted 1 solar farm permitted, 8 applications in the system. Biomass Processing & Anaerobic Digestion & Combined Heat & Power 5 no. anaerobic generators permitted. 2 no. constructed. Hydropower, including Pumped Hydro Electric Storage 2 micro generators permitted.
‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August Is Planning Permission required for Renewable Energy Developments? Planning permission from the Local Authority required for any development of land or property unless the development is specifically exempted from this need. Development includes the carrying out of works (building, demolition, alteration) on land or buildings and the making of a material (i.e. significant) change of use of land or buildings.
Renewable Energy Development and Exemptions Purpose of exemptions is to avoid excessive controls on developments of a minor nature. Thresholds relating to, size or height etc are set out in legislation Exemptions apply to specified wind turbines, solar panels, heat pumps, boilers. ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Example: Exempted Development Solar panels Total area must not exceed 50sqm or 50% of total roof area, which ever is lesser, Total area of any wall-mounted or freestanding solar array shall not exceed 25sqm. The height of a free standing solar array shall not exceed 2m at its highest point above ground level etc. ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Example: Exempted Development Solar panels ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August Exempted Development in accordance with Class 18 Planning Permission required
RE wind turbines - typical scales of development RE development at the Micro or small scale For example: Wind Turbines under specified height – 20m. Often are exempted development and therefore will not need planning permission. Large scale or commercial Produce wind energy for sale the National grid or for use on site i.e. in large factory or farm. Must apply directly to Eirgrid or ESB networks for grid connection and to the local authority for Planning Permission. ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Can I meet the planning officer in advance of submitting my planning application? Large and complex development proposals are invited to attend planning office for pre-planning meeting (by appointment). Free of charge and informal. No obligation to proceed with the development Guidance will be given, but a definite indication of planning success cannot be provided. It is useful to have preliminary drawings and specifications of project to assist in discussions with planning officers and other local authority staff. ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
What is the process of a planning application? Submit planning application and the timeline is commenced. Objections and submissions accepted by Planning Authority up to week 5. Planning authority must decide to grant, refuse or request further details before end of week 8. – If further details requested, the applicant has 6 months to respond, and planning authority must make decision within 4 weeks once further details are received. Final grant issued 4 weeks after decision to grant permission. – Development contributions – 4 weeks grace is to facilitate an appeal to An Bord Pleanála. ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
You and your Agent? Get the right agent for the right job. You may need more than one i.e. Architect, engineer, ecologist, planner, archaeologist etc. Communication ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Considerations for Every Local Authority Ministerial Guidelines County Development Plans Wind Energy Strategy Landscape Character Assessments Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Environmental Impact Assessment RE SourceDevelopment Management Standards Wind Turbines, Autoproduction and Commercial Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Requirement – Schedule 7 of Planning & Development Regulations. Habitats Directive Assessment. Solar Panels – Roof and Ground Mounted No Manatory Threshold for EIA however, environmental assessment should be carried out. Habitats Directive Assessment screening. Biomass Processing & Anaerobic Digestion & Combined Heat & Power Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Requirement – Schedule 7 of Planning & Development Regulations. Habitats Directive Assessment. Hydropower, including Pumped Hydro Electric Storage Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Requirement – Schedule 7 of Planning & Development Regulations. Habitats Directive Assessment. Geothermal & Heat PumpsImpacts on the environment are dependant on scale of development. ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Key Messages Get the right agent. Do your research. Talk to your neighbours. Identify the right site. The Planning Authority is there to help you. ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August
Questions? ‘Energy in Agriculture 2016’ Gurteen Agricultural College, Tuesday 23 rd August