Nellie McClung Grade One
Communication Seesaw Report cards (December & March) Parent Teacher Conferences (Nov. 24 & 25) Student Learning Updates (early November) White Communication Folders (forms etc.) , talk to teacher after class
Team Teaching Grade One teachers will be planning and teaching together this year. Team teaching allows for all the students to benefit from the strengths of all teachers. We have 3 homerooms: Mrs. Milligan – Room 15 Mrs. Wiebe ( Sub-Mrs. Smith) - Room 14 Mrs. Gifford –Room 15 Children will have times when they are with all of their Grade One friends and times when they are working in their homeroom.
Grade One Routines Hearty Lunch (morning and afternoon snacks) Velcro or slip on shoes (indoor out door) If your child is late for school please get a late slip from the office to avoid confusion and calls home. Respectful expectations
Homework Please read EVERY night with your child Home reading will go home next week. Books will be exchanged once a week. We will also let you know when we have set up Prodigy (math website) or Razkids (literacy website) We will post “Ask your child about…” on SEESAW. This is a great way to engage in dialogue with your child about their learning. Provide you children with tools to express their stories and learning at home (paper, scissors, markers, books)
Creativity, Wonder and Looking Closely This year in Grade One we will continue to use nature as a bridge to connect our children with their learning. We will be sending home a Community Walk form and hope to take monthly trips to the Glenmore Reservoir to learn about our community, our history and seasonal changes in nature.
Exploration Time We will continue to provide your children with the opportunity to play (center-based learning) at school. Some examples are building blocks, lego, art and crafts, board games and puzzles.
Fresh Air Break F.A.B This year we have a Fresh Air Break instead of a morning recess. Each day the teachers take all the children outside for fresh air..
F.A.B Power of Play for social and emotional development, inquiry learning and imagination We will be focusing on team building our FAB times will incorporate: Leadership, rule following and self-regulation. The language will be discussing and teaching our students to use will be expected and unexpected behaviours
Social & Emotional Development Collaborative Reflection Building Classroom Community Snapping ideas together (plussing) “Opening our hearts and our Circles to others” Filling each others buckets Respecting our differences Mindfulness with Mrs. Porter (weekly)
Volunteering We will be using Sign-up Genius to request volunteers *except for Field Trips ( request for Field Trip Volunteers will be sent out) First Field trip is Tuesday, October 25 th to the Leighton Center Please note that all information about students and teachers is private.
Thank you Parent Council $2000 Artist in Residence Teacher PD – “Creativity in the Classroom” with Dr. Robert Kelly (University of Calgary)
Literacy in Kindergarten Choosing “Just Right” Books Home Reading Strategies to help your child learn to read Making reading fun and relaxing
Thank you for your support!