Regina Brehon EDU 620: Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology March 8, 2016 Instructor: Tamara Carter
Audience A banner with the question, “What is Universal Design for Learning?” Colorful graphics and pictures of students engaged in classroom activities posted in the station.
INFORMATIONDEMONSTRATION UDL principles and how UDL prepares students for 21 st century learning. Research to back UDL. Ways to implement UDL. Allow attendees to view this video, UDL at a Glance Sample instruction plan Different modes of technology
UDL provides a flexible, responsive curriculum that limits barriers to learning. When educators use the UDL approach, they offer curriculum options that present information and content in various ways, differentiate the way in which learners express their knowledge, and engage students in meaningful learning.(Ralabate, 2011)
Provide different types of assistive technology devices and computer games for attendees to use. Head Wand Differentiated Computer Games Eye Tracking Device Voice Recognition Software Oversize Trackball Mouse
MISSIONBELIEFS The North Carolina Career and Technical Education mission is to equip all students with skills to become successful citizens, workers, and leaders in the 21 st century. (NCDPI, 2012) All students will achieve academically. All students prepared for college. Communication through collaboration is vital. Global awareness is essential for learning. A nurturing environment enhances education. Educational opportunities that extend beyond the classroom.
Students will be prepared for the global economy. Students will be able to communicate effectively. Students will be lifelong learners.
CAREER CLUSTERS Architecture and Construction Business Management and Administration Education and Training Finance Health Science (NCDPI, 2012) Science, Technology, and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Arts, A/V Technology and Communication Architecture and Construction Information Technology (NCDPI, 2012)
TOOLSNEW TECHNOLOGY iPads Computers Technology changes the way teachers teach, it offers educators effective ways to reach different types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple means. It enhances the teacher and student relationship. When technology is integrated into subject areas, the teacher grows into an advisor, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning meaningful and fun. (Edutopia, 2008)
Attendees will manipulate architecture applications on the iPad and computer graphic programs to understand why students interested in architecture design will benefit from this technology.
Edutopia, (2008) Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many. Retrieved from Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive Technologies: Tools for Helping Diverse Learners Achieve Academic Success. Retrieved from Technologies: Tools for Helping Diverse Learners Achieve Academic Success North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Career and Technical Education. Retrieved from Ralabate, P. K. (2011, August 30). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Needs of All Students. The ASHA Leader. Retrieved from students students Web Accessibility In Mind Retrieved from