PPM 30/10/2012. In-situ validation programme Oct/Nov 2012: VEOC prototype in Atlantic (monitor fibres, pressure) Dec(?) 2012: multi-PMT.


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Presentation transcript:

PPM 30/10/2012

In-situ validation programme Oct/Nov 2012: VEOC prototype in Atlantic (monitor fibres, pressure) Dec(?) 2012: multi-PMT DOM in Antares Mar 2013: – LOM deployment method – VEOC design (monitor fibres) – String design (visual inspection) Apr(?) - Jul(?) 2013: – System validation (PPM-DU) Readout/DAQ (off/on-shore) PMTs Calibration instrumentation String

PPM-DU objectives Tests: 1.Qualified LOM used for deployment 2.Once PPM connected: measurements of single rates, coincidence rates and time residuals. Synchronisaion between optical modules Components: 1.Real backbone, 2.3 optical modules 3.2 nd generation proto-type CLBs 4.Power board, PMT bases, acoustic piezo, compass/tilt meter and LED system at different stages of readiness

F4 F3 F2 F1 S2 S1 base DW Storey 4 with two DOMs Storey 3 Storey 2 Storey 1 with two DOMs Spacer 2 Spacer 1 DU-base Dead Weight Mini-tower (4 DOMs) Total height: ~340 m

F4 F3 F2 F1 S2 S1 base DW Storey 4 with 1 DOM Storey 3 with 1 DOM Storey 2 Storey 1 with 1 DOM Spacer 2 Spacer 1 DU-base Dead Weight Mini-string (3 DOMs) Total height: ~340 m

Questions Can we use the Castor for deployment? Which ROV for connection? Period for deployment/connection? How/when recovery of PPM-DU? Can we integrate the PPM-DU in Foselev? For the fibre optics: – Is there a black fibre for the PPM-DU in Antares? – Is the IL NOT a Y-cable?

Actions (from the validation programme) Long-term test of backbone cable with glass deed-throughs in the deep sea Use different types of PMTs for the PPM Make designated tests of the fibre-optic data transmission system for other sites (if PPM in Antares) Seafloor network, including the fibre-optic network and the electrical power system, should be validated for each site before useful tests can be made

Validation programme ‘PPM-PMT’: mini-DOM PPM-DOM: – DOM-in-Antares: validation of multi-PMT DOM – DOMs in PPM-DU PPM-VEOC: – test in Atlantic: intermediate step – test in Spanish Mediterranean: validate PPM-VEOC (monitor fibres) – test in PPM-DU: validate PPM-VEOC (connection to shore) PPM-LOM – Test in Spanish Mediterranean: validate deployment method PPM-DU: in-situ system validation readout/daq, string operation