Building a Rigorous Educational Program Through AP and CTE WA-ACTE Conference 2016 Barbara Dittrich, WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
AP/CTE Connection 38 AP Courses 16 Career Clusters Complementary rather than competitive Many curriculum connections
Relevance + Rigor = Advanced Student Achievement CTE Computer Programming AP Computer Science A CTE Commercial Art, Advertising/Illustration AP Studio Art Drawing, 2D, 3D AP Environmental Science AP Macroeconomics, Microeconomics AP Psychology CTE Natural Resources CTE Family Systems CTE Economics CTE Business Marketing AP Statistics
History of AP/CTE Connections in Washington State OSPI initiative promoted by WA-ACTE 2007 WAVA presentation: Administrators expressed interest 2008 SSSB 6377 passed by Washington Legislature 2008 Gave administrative and teacher workshops through WA-ACTE conferences 2009 Survey - tremendous potential for growth AP/CTE Pilot Programs , a Mentor/Mentee model including professional development from College Board trainers
AP/CTE Courses in pilots AP Environmental Science AP Studio Art, 2D, and 3D AP Psychology AP Computer Science A AP Macro and Micro Economics
AP Pilot Courses in AP Macro Economics AP Micro Economics AP Computer Science Principles
College Board Requirements to Label a Course “AP” Return subject specific AP Course Audit form Submit course syllabus for each teacher of an AP course
Washington State Requirements to Label a CTE Course “AP” Course meets state WAC for CTE including common core alignment and 21 st century leadership standards Program Specific Advisory Committee Career and Technical Student Organization or equivalent Submission of a course framework to OSPI for approval Four-Year Rotation CTE Teacher Certification Area Specific College Concentration Business and Industry
Framework Template
Framework Template, cont.
Framework Example
Two for One Class of 2016 and beyond One CTE course may satisfy two graduation requirements One credit earned for course Example – AP Studio Art (commercial photography) course for 1.0 credit can meet graduation requirements for Occupational Education and Art The policy will permit the second course to be “checked off” as a “met requirement” by local counseling staff. Which course is put on the transcript and which one is locally “checked off” will continue to be determined by the student, based on their post high school goals/HSBP.
Dual Credit Coding on HS Transcript – Course Designators “A” for Advanced Placement “C” for College in High School “I” for International Baccalaureate “K” for Cambridge International “R” for Running Start “T” for Tech Prep
Co-Delivering Dual Credit Courses For Advanced Placement (AP) and CHS courses: Each course must have distinct course title on student schedule and in master schedule with course code and course designator in high school transcript. A student must choose to enroll in only one dual credit course, if offered at the same time in the same classroom. It is the responsibility of the high school to confirm CHS course with student’s enrollment status with the higher education institution. 15
Resources AP Central Advanced Placement Resources for Students, Parents, and Educators Advanced Placement (AP) Programs Brochure Final.pdf Final.pdf The Promise of High-Quality Career and Technical Education content/uploads/2013/11/Georgetown.BR_.CB-CTE-report pdf content/uploads/2013/11/Georgetown.BR_.CB-CTE-report pdf
AP Potential PSAT test AP Potential Report My College Quick Start
Teacher Professional Development AP Summer Institutes sponsored by the College Board Bellevue School District Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma Spokane School District Vancouver School District Funding Sources Carl Perkins Title II CTE
National Interest in AP/CTE Washington State presentation to Association for Career and Technical Education National Conference in 2011 Western Regional Forum 2012 Advanced Placement Annual Conference 2013 AP Across Career Clusters Webinar 2013 National ACTE Conference 2016
National Interest in AP/CTE National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium Collaboration to identify AP courses that are relevant to the 16 Career Clusters Document intended to be used by students, parents, counselors and teachers to establish pathways of study for CTE students that lead to readiness for careers and postsecondary education
Substitute House Bill 1472 Enacted into law 2013 to improve and expand access to computer science education AP Computer Science A credited as science or math Encourage support from industry mentors including via synchronous video Priority given to schools in rural areas with substantial enrollment of low-income students
AP Computer Science Statewide school year – 20 public high schools – 517 students enrolled in course school year – 63 public high schools – 2,080 students enrolled in course
iGrants 656 Purpose: to increase the capacity of high schools to offer AP Computer Science Due date: Friday, September 23, 2016 Awards: up to $10,000 Competitive grant Valid program activities – Teaching – Instructional professional development – Instructional technology
Contact Information Barbara Dittrich -