Erbyn diwedd y wers heddiw, byddwch chi’n gwybod sut i rifo o 1 – 10, ynganu geiriau, a sut i ddweud dyddiau’r wythnos YN GYMRAEG! By the end of today’s lesson, you will know how to count from 1 – 10, pronounce words, and how to say the days of the week YN GYMRAEG!
dim0chwech6 un1saith7 dau2wyth8 tri3naw9 pedwar4deg10 pump5
= = = = = = = 87 – 3 = = – 11 =
Combined vowels or diphthongs ai, ae, and au as in the English aisle craig aur traed aw as in the English cow cawr mawr eu, ei and ey as in the English say creigiau euraid Gwrtheyrn oe, oi and ou as in the English boy oed rhoi cyffrous ow as in the English own brown wy as in the American English hooey bwyd
Gyda phartner (With a partner) Say each of these in turn, then start again with the other partner going first this time: 1Mawr11 tawdd 2Troes12 neis 3Mwy13 Duw 4Brown14 mewn 5Main15 troir 6Lleyg16 dreigiau 7Hwylio17 draig 8Bloedd18 sain 9Craig 19 cyffrous 10Owns20 mawn
Siop yr Hen Bont Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Morgannwg Heulwen Strathearn Ysgol Gyfun Porthcawl Ysgol Gyfun Cynffig
Dydd GwenerDydd SadwrnDydd Sul Dydd LlunDydd MawrthDydd MercherDydd Iau