The national curriculum defines the programmes of study for key subjects in maintained primary and secondary schools in England. Fundamentally it sets out what children will learn and when. It is not compulsory for academies.
All maintained schools have had to follow the new curriculum from September 2014 and from September 2015 for pupils in year 2 and year 6. The main aim is to raise standards - the new curriculum is intended to be more challenging. It focuses on essential core subject knowledge and skills. Pupils in reception have their own curriculum, The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, but will need to be ready to follow the new national curriculum by the end of their reception year.
In the foundation subjects there is a greater amount of flexibility for schools and teachers to design their curriculum and lessons by focusing only on the essential knowledge to be taught in each subject.
We have taken the opportunity to develop our curriculum. Cross-curricular topic approach throughout school. Well-received by the children. Example.