U.S. – Wilson France – Clemenceau Britain – Lloyd George Italy - Orlando
1.No more secret agreements ("Open covenants openly arrived at"). 2. Free navigation of all seas. 3. Eliminate or lower tariffs 4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers to the lowest point possible for domestic safety. 5. All decisions regarding the colonies should consider the interests of the colonial people not just the interests of the imperial powers.
6. The German Army is to be removed from Russia. Russia should be left to develop her own political set-up. 7. Belgium should be independent like before the war. 8. France should be fully liberated and allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine 9. All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy. Italy's borders are to "along clearly recognizable lines of nationality." 10. Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria- Hungary. 11. Self-determination and guarantees of independence should be allowed for the Balkan states. 12. The Turkish people should be governed by the Turkish government. Non-Turks in the old Turkish Empire should govern themselves. 13. An independent Poland should be created which should have access to the sea.
14. A League of Nations should be set up to guarantee the political and territorial independence of all states. LEAGUE OF NATIONS: an international organization like the U.N. where countries could meet to discuss issues before going to war.
The Main Terms of the Versailles Treaty were: The surrender of all German colonies as League of Nations mandates; 1. German reparations of $33 billion. 2. a ban on the union of Germany and Austria; 3. an acceptance of Germany's guilt in causing the war; 4. Germany’s military is limited in size 5. Germany signed the Versailles Treaty under protest.
Ottoman Empire is divided into colonies and given to France and GB Russia lost more territory in the war than Germany did
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (late 1917 – early 1918) Russia signs a treaty with Germany so that Russia can exit the war. Russia had numerous government problems within its own country and was not in a position to continue fighting.(Food shortages, corrupt leadership, civil war) Russia loses the areas of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania