Bob van Eijk, NIKHEF & University of Twente Amsterdam, 13 October 2004 Altran Foundation for Innovation 2004 Award ‘Discovering, understanding and enjoying Science through Innovation’ ‘HiSPARC’ & ‘The Community of Learners’
Develop impact indicators; measure effect of HiSPARC in high-school curriculum Develop impact indicators; measure effect of HiSPARC in high-school curriculum Publish scientific results with students & teachers Publish scientific results with students & teachers Create European wide collaboration Contacts with Poland, Sweden (Mark Pearce), Portugal, England (Watson). Interest from: Greece and Australia! Create European wide collaboration Contacts with Poland, Sweden (Mark Pearce), Portugal, England (Watson). Interest from: Greece and Australia! Future:
Open-up the HiSPARC network and infrastructure for transfer and processing of data for other disciplines Contact with Open-up the HiSPARC network and infrastructure for transfer and processing of data for other disciplines Contact with Future (cont.): Example: ‘Virtual School Lab.’ A grid-based generalisation of HiSPARC A grid-based generalisation of HiSPARC (initiative of Prof. Peter Sloot et al.,UvA- Computational Science, Amstelinstituut, TNO &
Basic Architecture …High School Network… Grid Middleware Intelligent Detector Interface GPS ……… Wind Sound Cosmics Connect experiments, data and students in ‘Virtual Laboratory’ LOFAR
The role of Altran: Optimise cluster and central organisation Optimise cluster and central organisation Optimise detector electronics and data acquisition Optimise detector electronics and data acquisition Improve ‘data warehouse’ Improve ‘data warehouse’ Participate in developing ‘data mining’ tools Participate in developing ‘data mining’ tools Advise on further development of software infrastructure (Website, GRID) Advise on further development of software infrastructure (Website, GRID) Develop international network Develop international network Cost reduction! Cost reduction!
Science week in NL, october Open day at NIKHEF 23 october Small exposition CERN50 (posters,film) All experiments/departments present themselves present themselves Big success always Sparkchamber, cloudchamber Cosmophone (new, from Marseille)
Gas-inlet with regulatorGas-outlet with bubbler Tap, open/close
Sparkgap and capacitors Box with electronic circuits, Input PMT signals, 220V and HV cable
A view inside the electronics box
At occasion of CERN50 symposium in Amsterdam 5 november 2004 symposium in Amsterdam 5 november