Symbiosis Producers Teacher’s Choice Transfer of Energy Predator/ Prey 300
Question Column Match Column A with the descriptions in Column B. Column A Column B 1. Parasitism A. A relationship in which both organisms benefit. 2. Mutualism B. A relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected. 3. Commensalism C. A relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed
Answer Column C A B
Question Column Goby species live among the spines of toxic sea-urchins and gain protection. The sea urchin is unaffected by the relationship. Identify the type of symbiosis.
Answer Column Commensalism
Question Column An isopod attaches itself to this fish. The isopod feeds on the fishes blood while the fish becomes weak. Identify the role of the isopod. Identify the role of the fish.
Answer Column Isopod is the parasite. The fish is the host.
Question Column The Boxer crab carries a pair of small anemones in its claws. When approached by a predator, it waves these around presenting the stinging tentacles. The anemones eat small particles of food dropped by the crab during feeding. This is an example of mutualism. How does the crab benefit? How does the sea anemone benefit?
Answer Column Crab – benefits be scaring away predators Sea Anemone – benefits by gaining food dropped by the crab It’s a WIN-WIN!
Question Column Egrets hang out with large animals, such as hippos and rhinos. When those big beasts walk, their feet stir up insects and other small animals on the ground. That means the egret doesn't have to look far for a meal. This type of symbiosis is commensalism. Therefore, what can you infer about the hippos or rhinos role in the relationship?
Answer Column The hippo or rhino would be unaffected!
Question Column Plants are classified as… a.Consumers b.Producers c.Decomposers d.Scavengers
Answer Column b. producers
Question Column During photosynthesis, plants decomposers b.use a natural sunscreen for protection c.send messages to herbivores d.make their own food
Answer Column d. Make their own food.
Question Column What would happen to the organisms in a food web if there were no longer plants using the sun’s energy to make their food?
Answer Column Because there would be no food energy to pass through the food web, all organisms in the web would eventually die.
Question Column What would happen to the ecosystem if there were suddenly a huge increase of herbivores?
Answer Column The population of producers will decrease until there won’t be enough food for the herbivores, and eventually the omnivores and carnivores will die too, because they also will have no food.
Question Column How do carnivores get their energy from plants?
Answer Column When herbivores eat plants, they receive some of the energy that plants make. Then, carnivores receive some energy from herbivores when the carnivores eat the herbivores.
Question Column What group of organisms aid in the process of composting?
Answer Column Decomposers!
Question Column What are two things that would happen if the mouse population were to increase in this food web?
Answer Column The plant population would decrease because there would be more mice eating the plants. The fox population would increase because there would be more mice for them to eat.
Question Column What does composting put back in the soil?
Answer Column nutrients
Question Column Identify one synonym for the word beneficial. Identify one synonym for the word detrimental.
Answer Column BeneficialDetrimental goodbad positivenegative helpfulharmful favorableinjurious
Question Column Give three examples of photosynthesizers.
Answer Column beans, grass, sunflowers, vegetables, milkweed, trees......
Question Column What do arrows represent in a food chain or a food web?
Answer Column The flow or the transfer of energy
Question Column Which food chain is correct? A B C
Answer Column B
Question Column Name an organism that could replace a rabbit in a food chain and identify its role.
Answer Column Deer (many other possiblilities) An herbivore
Question Column Name two impacts of the energy flow if there is a drought.
Answer Column Since there is a decrease in the population of a producer, the herbivore population would decrease which would then cause the ominivore/carniovore population to decrease.
Question Column Draw a food web using organisms listed in the table below.. OrganismsWhat it eats… Foxrabbits, mice, prairie dog Prairie doggrass, flowers Rabbitgrass, flowers Wolfrabbits, mice, prairie dog Hawkrabbits, mice, prairie dog Micegrass, flowers coyoterabbits, mice, prairie dog
Answer Column Your food web must include at least one producer, arrows that are facing towards the eater and are overlapping somewhere. See example below.
Question Column In the northern Canadian forest ecosystem, the predator/prey relationship of the lynx and the snowshoe hare has been around for hundreds of years. The snowshoe hare is an herbivore eating the plants in this ecosystem. The lynx is a carnivore that eats exclusively on the snowshoe hare. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF A DISEASE SUDDENLY MADE THE LYNX EXTINCT?
The Canadian ecosystem would be over-run with snowshoe hare that will be overeating the vegetation eventually destroying this ecosystem. Answer Column 5-100
Question Column A nearby marsh is home to many species of birds, turtles, frogs and algae. A group of kids decide that it would be fun to introduce a new species of frog to the marsh. Identify a detrimental effect of the kids’ actions.
Answer Column Detrimental Effects: predators of frogs may increase due to increase of food frogs’ food source (prey) will decrease
Question Column Identify which organism is the predator and which is the prey. LYNX SNOWSHOE HARE
Answer Column Predator = LYNX Prey = SNOWSHOE HARE
Question Column Which population, predator or prey, needs to be larger?
Answer Column PREY
Question Column What happens to the fox population when the rabbit population increases?
Answer Column The fox population also increases!