The Land of Firsts
G - eography R - eligion A - cheivements P - olitical E - conomy S – ocial Class
Important City-States SUMER SIMILARITIES AKKAD Located in the south Spoke Sumerian Located in Mesopotamia Practiced similar farming & business methods Located in the north Spoke Akkadian
War between these 2 city-states over land & water occurred frequently. For protection, these city-states had a mud brick wall that surrounded the city.
Religion Mesopotamians were polytheistic – belief (worship) of many gods “Poly” = many “theism” = belief in god(s) They believed gods were responsible for the well being of people and fertility of the land. Anu – god of heavens Enlil – god of wind Enki – god of water Ninhursag – mother of gods
Each day priests would offer food, drink and incense to the gods. Mesopotamians believed their city would have peace & prosperity if the gods were pleased. The main goal was to keep the gods happy.
Temples were created to honor the gods. The largest & most impressive temples were the ziggurats. Mesopotamians believed they connected the heavens and the earth. Structured to resemble a stair way to the heavens.
Ziggurat - UR Reaching heights of 290 ft., ziggurats consisted of a series of stacked rectangular platforms that formed a huge pyramid.
Government Religion & government were closely linked. Sumerians believed kings were chosen by the gods to carry out the gods’ wishes. Divine kingship – right to rule was god given. Rule could be passed down from father to son.
Social Class King Priests Scribes Merchants & Artisans Farmers Slaves
Writing Writing was a giant leap in the development of civilizations. Inventors: Sumerians Purpose: track business dealings Scribe: professional writer 1 st writing system: Cuneiform
Scribes would press a reed into a wet clay tablet leaving wedge-shaped markings. Once dried, it became a permanent record.
Achievements Sailboat Writing (cuneiform) Chariot Wheel Plow Stylus Levees/dams
The use of writing, religion & technology allowed the Mesopotamian civilization to advance. The most significant advancement would be the world’s 1 st Empire! Sargon (Akkadian ruler) United all of the city-states under one rule.
Even though Sumerian civilizations declined, their contributions helped other civilizations to advance. Cuneiform, Ziggurats and the wheel were borrowed/adapted by other people. Can you think how these contributions have impacted our civilization (US) today?