Maps and Symbols School in the Park Rotation
Maps A map is a flat drawing of a place. There are many kinds of maps: Political maps - which shows different countries Physical maps - which show different landforms Relief maps - which show changes in land height, like mountains or valleys And many more…
Political Map
Physical Map
Relief Map
What type of map is this?
And this map?
Parts of a map Title Key / legend Symbols Compass Rose Scale
Parts of a map Title - name telling what the map is of (ex: San Diego Zoo) Key / legend - the part of the map that lists symbols and what they stand for Symbols - something that stands for something else (ex:,, )
Parts of a map Compass Rose - symbol showing the cardinal directions Scale - a line showing the distance between places
San Diego Zoo
What’s missing?
Why do we need maps? Maps can show us where we are, where we are going, and how to get there! Maps can show places as large as the world or as small as a single classroom. They can even show you where treasure is hidden!!