Creating Sustainable Schools Meeting in Romania A Comenius Programme (Multilateral Partnership) coordinated by Cyprus, with partners from Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Finland and France Dr. Pavlos Rigas Margarita Makri (Headteacher) Vera Neophytou
Restructuring the surroundings of the school Main issue
Survey the school surrounding (flora, waste, roads...) Investigate landscape maps of the area Take pictures Make drawings FIRST STEP BEGIN THE INVESTIGATION
Propose ways that will help improve the surroundings Write a report Redraw the maps (which will be forwarded to the local community) SECOND STEP IDENTIFY PROBLEMS
THIRD STEP OFFER SOLUTIONS Organize campaigns in order to show the neighbours that there is a way to restructure their neighbourhood Use presentations, leaflets and models Other...
FOURTH STEP SEE WHAT THE NEIGHBOURS WANT Interview people that live in the neighbourhood Identify their complaints Determine how they would prefer their neighbourhood to look like
FIFTH AND FINAL STEP PRESENT Take the findings to the local council and other people of interest Express the neighbour’s concerns and voice their opinions Make suggestions and recommendations Present the findings
End products - What have we already done? (a)Game (Sustainable Pursuit): Knowledge Game (the cards will be produced each term for each issue). (b) Sustainable schools suitcase (with activities that concern the main issues/concerns that are going to be examined – the activities have all been mentioned above) – Get in touch with Liza in order to let you know what to do with e-Twinning. (c) Fairy tale: Each country has its own topic (non- sustainable monsters in action).
End products - What have we already done? (d) Dictionary: This is a new end product that will help our students become familiar with the 8 different languages used by the different countries involved with the project. At the end of the project we hope to have a dictionary with common, everyday expressions in 8 different languages.
End Products First impressions 1.How do you find the activities so far? 2.Will they help us reach our goal of sustainable education? 3.Have you faced any problems so far? 4.Do you have any suggestions about how to improve the way we are working in order to produce the end products? 5.How could we promote our work to other schools or even to other countries?
Deadlines!!! (a)Game (Sustainable Pursuit): the cards will be produced each term for each issue – final version May So far all countries have sent the cards for the first theme and Romania has already sent the cards for the second theme (deadline end of May 2009). (b) Sustainable schools suitcase: activities should be uploaded when they are ready – final version May (c) Fairy tale: each country must have its own fairy tale ready by the 15 th of March 2009! (d) Dictionary: April 2009!
General remarks (a)Try to keep in touch at least 2-3 times per month! It is nice to know what you are doing. (b)Try to keep the deadlines! It is important for everything to be ready on time! (c)The schools that have not met some of the deadlines, should hand in the activities by the end of May!!! (d)Do not forget about the communication between classes and the students ( , ordinary mail). (e)Try to inform the hosting country on time about your participation!!! (f)Keep in mind that we are always willing to solve any problems or answer any questions you may have!