October 27, 2016 Agenda NB/Test discussion NB Setup S&E Asia Maps Warm-up What countries are in Southern & Eastern Asia? Homework: review today’s material
Many different countries including: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam
Unit 5: People & Places of Southern & Eastern Asia 1.Unit 5 Standards 2.Unit 5 Study Guide 3.Political Map 4.Physical Map 5.Warmup (10/24 –10/28)
Mrs. McClure 7thGrade Social Studies Class Rules and Expectations
My classroom is built around one thing RESPECT
Examples of Respect Treating others the way you want to be treated Not talking while others are talking Listening to others as they speak Following directions from any adult present in the room or hallway Raising your hand and waiting to be called on
Arriving Once you are in the room you may not leave Check the board for agenda and start working on your warm up Be on time
Restroom and Water You have designated restroom breaks in your classes and should use this time for the restroom and water Do you have an emergency? – Wait until the class is working and then talk with Mrs. McClure
Getting up during class Trash? – Quietly get up and throw it away during work time, not during instruction time – DO NOT throw it like a basketball Leaving the room? –Sign out on clipboard with date, time, destination –Don’t forget to sign back in
Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the clock Desks should be straightened Trash should be picked up When leaving, do so in a respectful manner
Expectations Noise –Individual work Silent –Group work Noise level kept low so you don’t disturb other groups – If directed by teacher to lower your voice then acknowledge by adjusting your volume – Repeated violations will result in more individual work
Expectation #1 Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
Expectation #2 Come to class on time, prepared, and immediately begin warm up.
Expectation #3 Follow directions the first time they are given.
Expectation #4 Listen carefully to anyone who is speaking.
Expectation #5 Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Consequences If you break rules or don’t follow directions you are responsible for the consequence you receive 1st: Verbal Warning 2nd: Parent Contact 3rd: Silent Lunch or Team Detention 4th& more: Referral to administration
Pakistan India Bangladesh Indonesia Vietnam Taiwan China North Korea South Korea Japan
Taklimakan Desert Gobi Desert Indus River Ganges River Mekong River Huang He River Yangtze River Himalayan Mountains Bay of Bengal Indian Ocean South China Sea Yellow Sea Sea of Japan Korean Peninsula
Daily Closing How do you think geography of a country affects the people of the country?