Common Respiratory Problems: COPD Asthma, emphysema bronchitis
Asthma Affects nearly 10 million Americans 4-5,000 deaths per year
Definition of Asthma Reversible airflow obstruction caused by bronchial smooth muscle contraction,
Definition of Asthma, ctd Excess mucus secretion resulting in bronchial plugging, and….
Definition of Asthma, ctd Inflammatory changes in the bronchial walls.
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Known history of asthma obvious respiratory distress
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Rapid breathing (>30) cough, tightness in chest
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Inability to speak full sentences labored breathing
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Diaphoresis (sweating) pale or cyanotic nails/skin/lips
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma “tripod position” audible wheezing prolonged expiratory phase
Treatment of Asthma Call 911! Allow patient to stay in most comfortable position have patient use own inhalers if possible
Treatment of Asthma Take vital signs and write them down remind patient to keep breathing!
Bronchitis: Acute & Chronic
Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi and bronchial tubes.
Acute Bronchitis Caused by infection
Acute Bronchitis S/S include productive cough, dyspnea, CP, fever
Acute Bronchitis Tx: antibiotics and expectorants to remove excess mucous
Chronic Bronchitis Characterized by chronic inflammation,
Chronic Bronchitis Damaged cilia, enlarged mucous glands
Causes of Chronic Bronchitis Frequent attacks of acute bronchitis smoking
Causes of Chronic Bronchitis Long term exposure to pollutants/2nd hand smoke
Chronic Bronchitis S/S: excess mucous, productive cough, wheezing,
Chronic Bronchitis S/S: dyspnea, and…..prolonged expiratory phase
Chronic Bronchitis S/S in advanced cases include cyanosis, edema “Blue Bloater”
Chronic Bronchitis Tx: antibiotics, bronchodilators, resp. therapy (NO CURE)
Emphysema Walls of the alveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity.
Emphysema CO2 is trapped in alveoli. Poor air exchange.
Causes of Emphysema Smoking prolonged exposure to pollutants
S/S of Emphysema Dyspnea, feeling of suffocation, pain, barrel chest, chronic cough
S/S of Emphysema Cyanosis, rapid respiratory rate, prolonged exp. phase
S/S of Emphysema Eventual respiratory failure and death “pink puffer”