Effective participator Atheism and the Media Richard Dawkins Aim: To understand what Richard Dawkins says about religion(L4). Goal: To consider the factors that influence atheism (L5/6).
Believer? Atheist Agnostic Theist
Discuss...What factors affects a person’s decision in being atheist?
Factors influencing Atheism... A rise of interest in Scientific developments The enlightenment period Their personal experiences E.g. A child dying or someone close to them being murdered. There is a lack of evidence ‘It is always wrong, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.’ (Clifford)
The enlightenment The enlightenment is also known as the ‘Age of Reason’ because it refers to a time when many people abandoned their faith in God and put their trust in scientific discoveries and their own reason.
Science Some atheists believe that everything in the universe can be explained in Terms of science, therefore God does not need to exist. E.g.- The big bang Christians argue that the universe was created by God but atheists believe the big bang came about because of a cosmic explosion. Science has dated the world at around 13 billion years old but this conflicts with the Bible. Atheists find science the only reliable source.
Richard Dawkins What did we find out about Richard Dawkins? Record our class ideas in a spider diagram. Richard Dawkins
What does Dawkins believe? 1.He believes it is impossible to believe in a God who lets bad things happen in our world. Why would people believe in an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God who lets these things happen? god/dawkins-on-disaster
What does Dawkins believe? 2.He believes you cannot believe in something there is no proof for. According to Dawkins, science is proof, therefore we should believe in it. Dawkins believes you cannot prove God exists, therefore we should not believe in him.
What does Dawkins believe? 3.He believes religion limits people in what they believe. If someone believes God created the universe then they will not look for other possibilities which limits their own understanding. There are no limits to science.
What does Dawkins believe? 4.He believes religion leads to people doing evil things such as 911. Dawkins argues that without religion, many of the worst crimes throughout history would not have happened.
There are 6 quotes that have been placed around the room. In your groups, work around each of the quotes and complete the following checklist... 1)Write it into your book 2)As a group decide whether you agree or disagree with the statement 3)Explain your reasons why. Everyone must have this written into their books.
Feedback Vote with your feet Do you agree or disagree with the following quotes? Make sure you can explain your opinion! AGREEDISAGREE
Religion teaches us to be unsatisfied with the world
There is as much evidence to believe in the Spaghetti monster as there is to believe in God
There is no such thing as a Christian child, only the child of Christian parents
Faith is a great cop-out religious people use when they have no evidence
Science is about turning religious beliefs into hard truth
I used to think religion was harmless. September 11 th changed that.
Watch the following video clip and answer the questions in your book... 1)How does Richard Dawkins defend being an atheist? 2)What does he see is the problem with ‘religious people?’ 3) Why do some people feel threatened by atheists? 4)What is the benefit of living your life as an atheist?
Extension Watch the following video clip... Dawkins says that your religion depends on where you are born, E.g. If you are born in India, you will most likely be raised as a Hindu and practice Hinduism not because you choose it but because you are going along with what you have been taught. Do you agree with this statement? Why/ why not? What do you believe affects a person’s religion?
Don’t forget?!
Just a Minute ‘Faith is belief because of the lack of evidence.’ Dawkins Do you agree with this statement? Explain your opinion to your partner for 30 seconds then swap over!
Plenary ‘Faith is belief because of the lack of evidence.’ Dawkins Do you agree with this statement?
Religion teaches us to be unsatisfied with the world Faith is a great cop- out religious people use when they have no evidence There is as much evidence to believe in the Spaghetti monster as there is to believe in God Science is about turning religious beliefs into hard truth There is no such thing as a Christian child, only the child of Christian parents I used to think religion was harmless. September 11 th changed that.