God’s Promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3)
Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3) Repeated & expanded (Gen. 13:14-17; 15:8-21; 17:3-8; 22:17-18) Isaac (Gen. 26:3-4) Jacob (Gen. 28:13-15) God’s Promise to Abraham
Posterity / Lineage (Seed) Gen. 12:2 – “I will make you a great nation” Gen. 13:16; 15:2, 5 Relationship / Covenant (Blessing) Gen. 12:1-3 – relationship implied Gen. 17:7 Land Gen. 12:1 Gen. 13:15, 17 Kings Gen. 12:2 Gen. 17:6; Sarah (Gen. 17:16) God’s Promise to Abraham
Posterity / Lineage (Seed) Gen – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, 12 sons Relationship / Covenant (Blessing) Exodus & Leviticus Land Num ; Deuteronomy; Joshua Josh. 21:43-45 Kings Judges Samuel & Kings Fulfillment of God’s Promise
Posterity / Lineage (Seed) God’s promise Gen. 12:4 – Abraham was 75 years old when God made the promise Gen. 21:5 – Abraham was 100 years old when God finally began to fulfill his promise Hagar incident (Gen. 16:1-4a) Sarai despised Hagar (Gen. 16:4b) Sarai’s problem with Abraham (Gen. 16:5) Conflict between Ishmael and Isaac (Gen. 16:11-12) Man’s Attempts to Fulfill God’s Promises
Relationship / Covenant (Blessing) God’s promise Ex. 24:3-8 – approx. 400 years after initial promise Moses disappears on the brink of fulfillment Golden calf incident (Ex. 32) LORD (YHWH) (Ex. 32:4b, 5) The golden calf incident is more than mere idolatry. It is a human effort to initiate a covenant with YHWH. Man’s Attempts to Fulfill God’s Promises
God’s Covenant (Ex. 24) Man’s Attempt (Ex. 32) who brought you out of Egypt 24:3; 20:232:4, 8 rose early in the morning 24:432:6 built an altar24:432:5 burnt offering & peace offerings (bulls) 24:4-532:6 eating & drinking24:1132:6 Contributions25:1-7 (tabernacle)32:2-3
Relationship / Covenant (Blessing) God’s promise Ex. 24:3-8 – approx. 400 years after initial promise Moses disappears on the brink of fulfillment Golden calf incident (Ex. 32) LORD (YHWH) (Ex. 32:4b, 5) The golden calf incident is more than mere idolatry. It is a human effort to initiate a covenant with YHWH. Man’s Attempts to Fulfill God’s Promises
Land History Num 13:1-24 – 12 spies sent into the land Num 13:25-33 – 10 spies gave a bad report (vs ) *Num. 13:31 – 14:1 – the people stop believing *Num. 14:24 – Caleb’s redeeming quality is belief Num 14:20-38 – Condemnation (vs , 34) Num. 14:39-42, Man’s Attempts to Fulfill God’s Promises
Kings After approx. 800 years since God’s promise 1 Sam 8:1, 3-7 cf. 1 Sam. 12:12; 10:19 Consequences (Saul) Was not able to banish the Philistines Spiritually bankrupt (1 Sam 13:8-13) – offered a burnt offering (v. 14) 1 Sam 15 – Saul’s disobedience with the Amalekites 1 Sam 19 – tried to murder David 1 Sam 28 – consulted a medium (witch at En-dor) Man’s Attempts to Fulfill God’s Promises
Message God’s people have established a pattern of not trusting God to do what he said he was going to do in his own time and in his own ways When man attempts to fulfill God’s promises… He ALWAYS fails There are ALWAYS tragic consequences Man’s Attempts to Fulfill God’s Promises