Lesson 1.3.   All the way back in the Garden of Eden, God made a promise to His people that He would send a Savior to rescue them from the curse of.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 1.3

  All the way back in the Garden of Eden, God made a promise to His people that He would send a Savior to rescue them from the curse of sin (Gen. 3:15).  This was God’s first promise to mankind.  Thousands of years had passed since God made this promise, causing many Israelites to doubt Him. But the Lord was and is still faithful! Today’s Place in the Story

 Genesis 3:15

  In Gen. 3:15, God promised that a “seed” (descendant) of Eve would crush the head of the serpent.  Eve thought the promised son would have been Cain or Abel. But Cain killed Abel.  God would use the next few thousand years to develop a line of descendants made up of important patriarchs (Fathers of faith), kings, and prophets who foreshadowed the Messiah.  Jesus was the fulfillment of the seed-line and God’s promise to Israel! The Promised Seed

  Genealogy (from Greek: γενεά genea, "generation"; and λόγος logos, "knowledge"), also known as family history, is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. Genealogy

 Genealogy of Jesus

 Matthew vs. Luke  Luke’s Genealogy  Matthew’s Genealogy  *Covers descendants from Abraham to David.  Listed backward from Jesus to Adam  Traces Mary’s line from King David to Jesus (through Nathan).  Wrote to Gentiles.  *Covers descendants from Abraham to David.  Listed forward from Abraham to Jesus  Traces Joseph’s line from Solomon to Jesus (through Kings of Judah).  Wrote to Jews.

  Matthew and Luke were both writing to 2 different audiences. So they had to emphasize different facts and paint Jesus in 2 different ways.  Matthew: wrote to Jews and made the point that Jesus was the fulfillment of all the covenants (promises) made to Abraham and David.  He wanted to prove that Jesus was worthy of being the Messiah. “Jesus is the new Israel”  Luke: wrote to Greeks and made comparisons between Adam and Jesus.  Jesus was the ultimate man because he succeeded where Adam failed. “ Jesus is the new Adam ” Why the Differences?

  What we see from the genealogies of Jesus is that God is a promise maker AND a promise keeper!  Israel had to wait 62 generations to see the promise of Genesis 3:15 come true.  This teaches us 2 lessons:  1. God always keeps His promises.  2. Sometimes we have to wait a long time for it.  Our ultimate hope will not be fulfilled in this life; however we need to still be patient for the promises that will be fulfilled in this lifetime! Application