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Past and Present… O In the past, Math instruction focused on computation. O Now, Math instruction focuses on APPLICATION through the use of critical thinking skills, higher order thinking and depth of knowledge in order to solve/analyze multi-step problems.
Math Fluency By Grade level GradeStandardRequired Fluency KK.OA.5Add/subtract within 5 11.OA.6Add/subtract within OA.2 2.NBT.5 Add/subtract within 20 Add/subtract within OA.7 3.NBT.2 Multiply/divide within 100 Add/subtract within NBT.4Add/subtract within 1,000, NBT.5Multi-digit multiplication 66.NS.2,3Multi-digit division Multi-digit decimal operations
At school… Mathematics Teaching Practices: 1 – Establish Mathematics Goals to Focus on Learning. 2 – Implement Tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. 3 – Use and connect mathematical representations. 4 – Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse. 5 – Pose purposeful questions. 6 – Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding. 7 – Support productive struggle in learning mathematics. 8 – Elicit and use evidence of student thinking.
Math Chapters- Topic Breakdown Chap.TopicChap.Topic 1Number Concepts7Time & Money 2Numbers to 1,0008Length in Customary Units 3Basic Facts & Relationships 9Length in Metric Units 42-Digit Addition10Data 52-Digit Subtraction11Geometry & Fractions Concepts 63-Digit Addition & Subtraction
During instruction students … O Use the textbook O Use manipulatives and math tools O Use their Math Journals to explore/write about: “Essential Question, SAT Dailies, justify their work/answers O Participate in “Math Talks” and cooperative learning groups O Math drills O Computer programs for enrichment/remediation O Whole Group/Small group/Independent instruction
How can we get our students to UNDERSTAND math? O Students can understand Math by: building FLUENCY and using STRATEGIES.
3 Elements of Fluency O Accuracy (Correctness) O Efficiency (Quick retrieval of facts both written and oral.) O Flexibility (Use of strategies to help with recall.) O Reading/Writing capability also play a major role.
Prerequisites O Before children can conceptually understand addition and subtraction facts they must first have one-to- one correspondence, understand place value, and they must know the counting sequence.
Counting Sequence O Knowing the counting sequence is as simple as knowing what number comes next. Just because a child knows the counting sequence does not mean that they understand numbers, but it is an important step in the development of numbers.
Strategies that promote understanding…
“Teachable” moments for parents:
Using a hundreds chart to practice counting patterns.
Subtraction O Think addition when solving subtraction problems. Fact families and related math facts. O 9 – 5 = 4 because O = 9
Equal Groups O Sarah has three pages of stickers. There are four stickers on each page. How many stickers are there?
Array Model O Max made three rows of tiles. He put four tiles in each row. How many tiles are there?
What to Do When Teaching Basic Facts O Develop conceptual understanding using strategies O Ask students to self-monitor O Focus on self-improvement O Drill in short time segments O Work on facts over time O Involve family names O Make practice/drill enjoyable O Use technology O Emphasize the importance of quick recall of facts
More “to Do-s”… O Practice makes BETTER! O Use manipulatives, practice sheets, & task cards. O SHOW YOUR WORK! O Explain your answer. Know the “WHY”
Attack Word Problems with CUBES … C Circle the question U Underline important words/math vocabulary B Box the number E Explain the information S Solve the problem
Build Math Vocabulary Addition WordsSubtraction Words Add Plus All together Total Combine Gets More join Sum Difference Minus Subtract Less How many more? How much more? How many were left?
TESTING O Second Grade- SAT O I-Ready Math (3 times a year) O Weekly Assessments & Chapter Tests
SAT- The Math portion of the SAT is auditory. Questions are read aloud to students.
Looking ahead to Third Grade… O Upon entering third grade, your child should have show mastered: 1. Adding/subtracting with regrouping 2. Telling time 3. Counting money 4. Estimating Math operations Start practicing multiplication BEFORE the third grade school year; during the summer. Promote good study habits.
Resource Websites O O O O O
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