CACHE LEVEL 2 INTRODUCTION TO EARLY YEARS EDUCATION AND CARE Unit 1.3 Support physical care routines for children
LO2 Understand hygienic practice in preparing formula feeds. AC 2.1 Outline hygienic practice when: Preparing formula feeds Sterilising equipment. AC 2.2 Explain how poor hygiene may affect the health of babies in relation to: Preparing formula feeds Sterilisation.
Starter activity * Time: 10 mins * With a partner write down a step-by-step set of instructions for someone who has never made a sandwich before. * Consider: Equipment Ingredients Where to prepare How to prepare it How to serve it.
Newborn babies may be fed either with breast milk or formula milk. It is very important to follow the instructions on a packet or tin when making up formula milk. Safe, hygienic practices are very important when using bottles to feed a baby. * Preparing formula feeds
Group activity * Time: 20 mins * Research a step-by-step guide to making up a formula feed and create an information poster for new parents/carers. * Consider: Safety tips, especially when handling hot water Safe and hygienic practices The size and layout of your poster Images or pictures.
Before making up a formula feed, you should always wash your hands and make sure the area is clean and tidy. Formula feed should always be made with boiled water that has cooled slightly. Never make up a formula feed with bottled water, as it may not be sterile and may contain additives harmful to a baby. * Preparing formula feeds
When preparing a formula feed, the bottle must have been sterilised first. Formula feed should be made daily and stored in the fridge until needed. Formula feed should only be heated once, when needed, and never re-heated. * Preparing formula feeds
Pairs activity * Time: 15 mins * Discuss each of the questions below: What might happen if you do not follow the manufacturer's instructions on the tin or packet of formula feed? What might happen if you do not have a clean environment or clean hands? What might happen if the bottles are not thoroughly clean or sterilised?
Classroom discussion activity * Time: 10 mins * Look at your notes for the Pairs activity. Discuss: What might happen if you do not follow the manufacturer's instructions on the tin or packet of formula feed? What might happen if you do not have a clean environment or clean hands? What might happen if the bottles are not thoroughly clean or sterilised?
All bottles must be sterilised before making up formula feeds. There are three main methods of sterilising bottles and other small items such as spoons and dummies. They are: * Steam sterilising * Cold water sterilising * Sterilising by boiling. * Sterilisation
* Steam sterilising This is done using a shop-bought device. All bottles must be thoroughly washed before placing them in the steamer. It does not wash the bottles, it sterilises the bottles. Once bottles have been sterilised, they can be left in the steriliser until they are needed. * Sterilisation
* Cold water sterilising This method uses cold water and a solution or sterilising tablets. It is important to follow the instructions on the packet. All of the bottles, teats and lids must be under the water for at least 30 minutes, with no trapped air bubbles. Once sterilised, the equipment can be left in the water until it is needed. The solution should be changed every 24 hours. * Sterilisation
* Sterilising by boiling All bottles and teats must be checked to make sure they are suitable to be sterilised in this way. All equipment must be placed in a large pan of water that needs to boil for at least 10 minutes. This method is the cheapest as you do not need to buy any products, but it needs to be done very carefully to avoid any accidents. * Sterilisation
Independent research activity * Time: 20 mins * Research the methods of sterilisation previously discussed and find out about: Two different steam sterilisers, comparing their cost and features Two different sterilising solutions or tablets, comparing their cost Which method would you choose and why?
Extension activity * Time: 15 mins * You have been asked to prepare a brief presentation to new staff about the importance of sterilising equipment safely in the setting. * Consider: Which method you will use A step-by-step guide Safe, hygienic practices.
Practitioners must follow the policies and procedures of the setting when preparing formula feeds. Safe, hygienic practices must be followed when sterilising and making up bottles.
1. Name three different methods of sterilising baby bottles. 2. Where must the water come from when preparing formula feeds? 3. How will you know how much powder to add to the water when preparing formula feeds?