NEED FOR LAW Read the Island ScenarioIsland Scenario Answer the following: 1)Who will be our leader? Why? 2)What are the first five things we need to do? (what order?) 3)How will decisions be made? 4)What are 5 basic rules? How will these rules be enforced? 5)What will be done to those who do not obey?
WHAT IS RIGHT AND WRONG? ▪Right and wrong is what we as a group, culture, nation, or civilization decide they are. The law is constructed based on what society views as right or wrong.
RULE OF LAW Rule of Law is the belief that it is better to be ruled by laws than to be ruled by leaders who act the way they like. For example, if a king, queen or dictator rules us, it is simply a person exercising power without guidelines. If the law rules, leaders cannot use their power any way they like; they must apply the laws or guidelines to everyone, including themselves. The law should apply to everyone. No one should be exempt from the law because of power.
WHAT IS LAW? ▪Law is a legal concept, a legal system, a set of rules ▪Law may be interpreted as the ultimate legal concept which is associated with ▸ Justice ▸ Equality ▸ Morality
▪Law as a legal system ▸ Law comprises a network of agencies, institutions, and procedures developed to perform a specific function (e.g. police, courts, or jail)
▪Law as a set of rules enacted by governing authority ▸ These rules prescribe our rights and obligations ▸ Eg. Young Offenders Act, Narcotic Control Act are acts which have functions and objectives.