Launchpad Bringing projects and community together Christian Reis Joey Stanford Launchpad Engineering Team Canonical Ltd.
Free software projects are amazing Developers provide ideas, design and code Direction is self-determined What makes free software so fantastic!
However.. Living on an island Is a lot of work! Foster community Forge your own schedule Announce availability and releases
Traditional upstream software toolset
Problems with this isolation We develop looking inwards Reduced sharing: bugs, code (NIH), translations Reduced interest from general community Slower growth and evolution
GNOME, KDE, know that sharing is essential Common infrastructure, release schedule, community Distributions: a natural integration point However interaction with upstreams is so-so Where do we see inter-project collaboration?
How do we bridge the gaps? Integration promotes better software experience Launchpad is this collaboration platform Permanent charter to build tools that: make development faster improve quality bring communities together
Website and lots more 3 years old 30+ amazing engineers Built on Python, Zope3, Storm, PostgreSQL 2.0 next week: getting better fast! Code, Bugs, Translations, PPAs, Specs, Support
Tools for collaboration: Code Fantastic code hosting for bzr No setup involved Code imports for CVS, Subversion and more See what people are doing with your project
Tools for collaboration: Bugs Bug reports are a first-class concept.. and projects share them! Great integration with Debian, Bugzilla, Sourceforge, Trac, and more
Tools for collaboration: Translations Lowest barrier to entry for new translators Suggestions are shared between versions and projects LOTS of translators and languages
Crowds of contributors One account across all projects Really easy to find a project to work on Also easy to identify your contributions Distributions and upstream use the same tools MySQL, Zope, Ubuntu + dozens of others
What's in it for you? We host your project You work within a great community We fix bugs, add features, do backups You produce great software