Navigating the Interview Todd Odgers, Principal NorQuest College Centre for Intercultural Education Kerry Louw, Project Lead
Navigating the Interview-Project Funder Government of Alberta - Foreign Qualification Recognition Innovation Fund Thank you!
CIE Activities
Part of the Solution Develop resources that improve labour market integration for immigrants and employers Help immigrants to access employment and move beyond entry level positions Engage and support employers to realize the benefits of hiring IEPs
Our project helps you support and develop Hiring Managers HR Professionals IEP Professionals International and Bridging Students
Navigating the Interview Resources 1. Interview Videos with: – 4 culturally diverse candidates – 3 Canadian panelist 2. Guides for HR and IEP candidates: – Culture Specific Framework – Canadian Unwritten Rules – Interview practices prior, during and post 3. Communication Choice Points – Online assessment activity
Perspective taking, pragmatics, and overcoming hidden bias
Both sides of the table Employers and candidates: 1.Recognize 2.Understand 3.Adapt
Two-perspectives approach Hiring Managers/HR Adapt practices and enable them to hire more effectively from a diverse talent pool IEP and Candidates Prepare and present themselves more effectively to prospective employers in Canada
Understanding the Unwritten Rules “It’s just what we do! “ “It’s common sense” So…What is it we do? What do we see as common sense?
To overcome hidden biases Build awareness Grow willingness Takes work, persistence, resilience Making the unconscious conscious
The intercultural interview Is a high stakes interactional space where different expectations meet
Creates casual beginning Links the social and professional Builds rapport and comfort for the interview Softens directness and hierarchy Creates common ground opportunities Establishes turn-taking Transitions quickly into task Small Talk What it does (for Canadians)
And a framework
Lewis, R.D. language, communication and culture 2013
How to find it… Is online at Please contact Kerry Louw with any content questions
Thank you Todd Odgers Principal Centre for Intercultural Education | NorQuest College T | F | C St | Room 723J Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 1L6 education-centre.aspx