Click to edit Master subtitle style 22/11/2016 Eating Habits: Galicia and Scotland
22/11/2016 Food Fish Meat Fruit Vegetables Eggs Cheese Bread Butter Chocolate Chips Rice Pasta
22/11/2016 Drink Water Milk Orange juice Beer Wine Cola
22/11/2016 Scottish Food In Scotland, dinner is the main meal of the day People eat a lot of meat and vegetables Traditional dishes include: stew pies fish and chips
22/11/2016 Scottish Food Most people in Scotland eat dinner around 6 o’clock – in my family we eat later, at 8 o’clock or half past eight Haggis is the most famous traditional food from Scotland Sheep heart, liver and lungs, with onion, oatmeal and spices Traditionally haggis is served with “neeps and tatties”
22/11/2016 Scottish Food Burns Night – 25th January People eat haggis, neeps and tatties
22/11/2016 Guessing Game ● Describe the following items to your classmates. ● Remember to use Yes/No questions: – Is it a fruit? – Is it a vegetable? – Colours – Flavours – Meal times