Vocabulary Week #2
DICTATOR A ruler with absolute power and authority.
ALLY A country or person that has joined with another country or person for a special purpose.
AUTOCRACY A government system where one leader holds complete power.
CONFEDERATION A loose alliance of countries, states, and other political units.
DEMOCRACY A type of government where the people in the country hold the supreme power.
FASCISIM A political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied.
EMPIRE An extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority.
FEDERAL A type of government where a group of states giver certain power and authority to a central government.
FIGUREHEAD A leader who represents a country but does not have many duties in the government.
IMPERIALISM The policy of obtaining and occupying land to form an empire.
MONARCHY A government headed by a king or queen.
OLIGARCHY A political system where control rests with a small group of people with wealth or power.
PARLIMENTARY A democratic form of government where the legislature (Parliament) controls the power.
REPUBLIC A system of government where decisions are made by elected officials who represent the people.
UNITARY Gives all the power to the central government.