B2 Exam Tips Feedback from the examiners The examiner says…
Focus on what the question is asking rather than just putting down everything you know about a subject. Always show your working! Ensure you answer all parts of the question to maximise your marks. Be careful not to say two opposite statements in the same answer. Do not be afraid to use the information you have been given as part your answer. Always read the question correctly to ensure that you are answering the question that is being asked rather than one you would like to be asked.
Make sure you read the question carefully. The question asks how the level of cholesterol changes, not why so you should use: ‘As the _____________ increases, the ______________ increases/decreases.’
‘Explain how’ and ‘explain why’ are asking you to do very different things. Think about it in everyday terms… Explain how you tweet. Explain why you tweet.
Could get more marks This question is worth two marks and asks for a description. To get the second mark you could give numbers from the graph or describe the graph in sections.
GCSE Biology B2 Foundation June 2013 Paper Summary Based on their performance on this paper, candidates are offered the following advice: Make sure you: use data to make conclusions understand the difference between a description and an explanation in a trend include data in your answers where appropriate use scientific terminology in your answers
5 x x 10 9
5 x x x x x 10 9 Decimal to the right 10 x smaller The powers have to be the same first Now you can just subtract like normal 4.3 x Technically you should now change the first number back so that it is between 1 and 10 but for this exam you would still get the mark.
It may be the biology exam, but you are still expected to write chemical symbols correctly if you choose to use them. This should be CO 2. If in doubt, just write out the word version in full.
Do not be tempted to say that it shows a positive correlation, that is not enough detail.
I have no idea what you are talking about. What is ‘it’?
GCSE Biology B2 Higher June 2013 Paper summary Based on their performance on this paper, candidates are offered the following advice: always show the working when doing calculations ensure that they read the questions carefully check the number of marks associated with graphical questions when tackling them and ensure that if 2 marks are awarded then two separate points about the graph are included. know both the role of phloem and xylem vessels within a plant to avoid confusion when answering questions. candidates should be giving scientific information and not a vague statement, which may not be worthy of credit when a question asks candidates to explain as the command word. think about the structure of the answer before starting to write when tackling the extended answers to ensure that the answer shows clarity of writing and flows, while remembering that accurate spelling and grammar in these questions is also important. candidates should use the information given to them in the question in their answer as in the case of the visking tubing as a model for the human small intestine, quoting information in the correct context and extracting valid information from that given is worthy of credit.