Welcome to 7 th grade accelerated science With Mrs. Rypkema
Congratulations Your children have been selected for this program due to their high academic scores, dedication to getting work done and interest in science.
The program The purpose of this program is to prepare students to successfully take a regents course next year. That includes covering the 7-8 grade curriculum. Teaching lab skills Teaching classroom skills to help prepare students for the independent learning they will need to succeed at the next level.
Grades Tests/quizzes 50% Homework 20% Lab 30% **** Remember students must maintain an 88 average to remain in good standing. **** All homework is due when class begins on the due date – no passes are given.
What if a student is at/lower than the 88? If there is a problem with grades the first step will be to write a contract with the student outlining what the problem is and what strategies will be used to correct it. If there is not an improvement in grades you will be called in and we will conference and decide whether this is the best placement for your student.
Absentee responsibilities homework Students must come in and get any work they miss upon their return – they may also call someone from class to get the assignment. If students are going to miss class for a school related function they must make arrangements of the absence.
Missed lab/tests- quizzes Arrangements for missed lab work must be done as soon as student returns to ensure materials are available. Tests/quizzes will be made up the next day the student is in school.
The journal this year is key to everything we do – we will be connecting back to it with each activity.
Cool Stuff!!!!
New Stuff Google classroom Google classroom Google classroom Google classroom
Extra help Extra help is available on MOST days at lunch here in S4 After school and presession help is available by appointment.
My and phone number are available on my website. You can also find a link to the text and other information here. Mrs. Rypkema's website