The Renaissance Intellectual & Artistic Movement
Italian Renaissance Humanism The Renaissance was based on secularism (worldly viewpoint) and placed emphasis on the individual. These characteristics are most obvious in the intellectual & artistic accomplishments. Humanism Movement based on the study of the classics of ancient Greece & Rome. Studied grammar, rhetoric, poetry, philosophy Petrarch Father of Italian Renaissance Humanism Did more to foster the humanist movement then any other.
Vernacular Literature Many writers began to produce work in the vernacular (the language spoken in their own regions, such as Italian, German, French) Dante Divine Comedy- The story of a souls journey to salvation through Hell, Purgatory, Heaven Chaucer Canterbury Tales- Story of 29 pilgrims journeying to the tomb of Thomas Becket
Education in the Renaissance Humanist movement had a profound effect on education. Studied liberal arts Physical education Aim was to produce great scholars and citizens by providing a well rounded education. Very few women attended humanists schools Goal was to focus on a religious education to produce “Christian Ladies” who would become good mothers and wives.
Egyptian Art
Middle Ages Art
Renaissance Art
Goal of renaissance art: Imitate nature To show the realities of the objects or events they were portraying Developed a new perspective Humans became the focus of attention “center & measure of all things” Reflect Humanism A movement based on the study of the ancient works of Greece and Rome Evident in painting, sculpture & architecture
Analyzing Art Using your book and the art work provided for you research your given artist and study the given to you. Your group will be assigned a famous piece of Renaissance art to analyze according to these points How does it portray nature & realism How does it portray humanism How does it portray perspective You will then present your analysis to the class
Masaccio “The Tribute Money”; Frescoes
Donatello St. George, marble
Brunelleschi's Dome; architecture
Leonardo da Vinci “The Last Supper”
Raphael “The School of Athens”
Michelangelo “The Sistine Chapel”
Jan van Eyck “Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride”
Albrecht Durer “Adoration of the Magi”