WARM-UP What form of religion did Ancient Civilizations believe in? List any religions that you can think of (bullet points)
HINDUISM Location: India Polytheistic Vedas Collection of hymns and ceremonies passed down by priests Brahma-main deity or supreme being Vishnu-The Preserver Shiva-The Destroyer
HINDUISM Principles Yoga Method of training to become “one” with Brahman and achieve unification with this God Reincarnation The individual soul is reborn in a different form after death to achieve union with Brahman Karma What people do in their current lives will determine what they are in their next lives Every action has a reaction Dharma Divine Law-requires all people to do their duty ; if you didn’t do your duty then it was considered bad Karma
BUDDHISM Location: Originally in India; moved to China Founder Siddhartha Gautama-”Enlightened One” After meditation he claimed that he had ‘awakened’ and seen the world in a new way Principles Nirvana-Ultimate reality ; end of the self and the reunion with the “Great World Soul”
BUDDHISM Principles Four Noble Truths Ordinary life is full of suffering This suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals and to see others as extensions of ourselves The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path (Eight Fold Path) Eight Fold Path Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration Meditation Became the basic principle of Buddhism
CONFUCIANISM Location: China Principles Political and Ethical, not spiritual Most significant idea: Government service should be open to all men, not just noble birth Duty and Humanity (the Dao or “Way”) Five Constant Relationships Founded by Confucius Upset by violence and moral decay of China Analects Record of his teachings and saying
JUDAISM Location: Israel Monotheism-Belief in one supreme God Yaweh Yaweh or God created the Heavens and Earth Moses and the Walk to Freedom It was said that Moses freed the Jews from servitude in Egypt and set forth to Canaan and founded their homeland (40 yrs) Principles Ethical and Spiritual-The search for Truth The Torah-first five books of the Bible Morality and Moral Law 13 main principles to live by
JUDAISM Ten Commandments (Old Testament) Ten rules/covenants to live by Creation of the Old Testament, earliest version of the Bible Use the first five books of the Bible, called the Torah Prophets Claimed to be the speakers of God’s will on Earth-Moses was a prophet Could not be integrated into another community if conquered If conquered Israelites and Jews would not be able to adapt to a new religion because they were the only ones at that time to have a belief in one God